Episode Thirty-Eight

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My hearts pounded as my words settled over us both, the confession filling the room with a level of tension that I hadn't been prepared for. Because after the past few weeks....this was the moment that might change anything.

"You want me." Her voice was a whisper, but the effect may as well have been a laser blast to the belly.

Groaning, I stepped in, letting my forehead drop down until it met hers. "I have always wanted you."

"You want the baby."

I couldn't stop the chuckle, "You know how much it would be if it were that simple."

Hillary began to pull away, I tugged her back, gently palming the roundness of her body. "I've spent my entire life following the rules, chasing the next great mission. But Stars, since the moment I first saw your face in the surrogacy dossier...something changed."

Hillary's shoulders shuddered, my stalis falling around us like a curtain, enclosing her in, reading her sweetness. "I don't know what comes next, but I know that I can't let another moment go by without you."

The female's panting breath filled my ears, my body aching with the need to gather her even closer. I wanted permission to own her completely. "But that is ultimately up to you, little one. I am at your mercy."

Hillary's fingers found my hands, slipping in between as our foreheads gently pressed together. "What would it mean?"

"Forever," I said easily. "It would mean forever. Trenzian's rarely do casual relationships, and when a youngling is involved."

"But the council, you said they don't want their warriors to be..." HIllary's voice dropped dramatically and I grinned again, "mated."

"They won't. They won't like this at all." My palm brushed her jaw, cradling the curve of her head as I broke away from her. "And there's a very good chance that we won't be able to stay on Trenzia."

Hillary's eyes are wide, and I rush to soothe any fears that she might have. "I have lived a boring, soldiers' life, Hillary, but I am not without my own assets. The universe would be open to us, plenty of people interested in keeping a Trenzian around."

"Even a mated one?"

I nodded, "Even a mated one."

"Are you going to bite me?"

My cock twitched and a soft growl grew in my chest. "Not until you want me to."

"How am I supposed to know when?"

I chuckled, "If you are the fated that the universe created for me, you will know."

She snorted, pouting lightly as she stared up at me. "No pressure, eh?"

"No pressure."

Hillary's arms swung. "What happens now? I'm as big as a house, and there's no way–."

She was already in my arms, and I carried her back towards our bed, my stalis racing across her skin. Need, arousal, her body was desperate for me. My cock ached, stiff and throbbing between my thighs. "You are the carrier of my youngling, their mother and my fate. I ache for your body day and night."

Her head leaned into my chest, a shiver running through her when I laid her carefully down in my bed. I let my form linger over her, hands tracing the outline of her clothing in a smooth caress. My eyes slowly traced her form, loving and needing every inch. Then moving back to her face.

"You are made for me, little one."

Her lips quivered a beat. "Made for you?"

My lips brushed hers, my eyes staying open, even as her lashes fluttered shut. "Made for me. Let me show you."

I pulled back, my knees pressing into the blankets at her side as I waited. Fuck, every moment was a century, but it was worth it. She was worth it. My hearts pounded in my ears, illuminating every moment that passed just before that stubborn, sharp little human chin bobbed.

"Is that a yes?"

Hillary huffed a breathy laugh, "Yes, Salex. Show me." Her hand moved to her belly and I could see the concern flicker across her eyes. My hands moved before I could stop them, smoothing over her belly. Then, meeting her eyes, I lowered my shoulders so that I could brush my lips over that bulging belly.

My intentions were clear, my emotions laid bare. And fuck did it feel good. Hillary's body relaxed into my bed, and my chest filled with an emotion that I could only attempt to identify as joy. She was mine for the taking.

"Little one," I crooned, smoothing my claws over my still clothed body, "What do you know about Trenzian sexual encounters?"

Hillary laughed again, but the sound was high and a little nervous. I smiled as I leaned over, running my mouth over the curve of one breast, letting my hand follow it in a long, slow caress. When she didn't respond, I squeezed the breast lightly mkaing her gasp.

"Mate, I need you to use your words."

"I only know that I uh– will crave your cum while I'm pregnant."

I nodded, "Yes, go on."

"And that I crave your touch and attention because it's good for the bond."

"Also, correct." I flattened my tongue and traced it across her collarbone. "Such a good, good pupil."

Hillary moaned softly as I moved higher, lapping at the lines of her throat until I flexed my fangs against the soft lines of her neck. "Keep going."

Hillary's throat bobbed against my mouth, but she obeyed. "A Trenzian's mating bite is not only a permanent representation of mates, but the venom produced by the male can be...." She faded off as I raked my fangs across the delicate veins. "...Can be quite overwhelming. Producing a nearly unmatchable sensation between mates during moments of intimacy."

I lifted my mouth from her skin, letting my claws move to the waist of her pants. "Overwhelming? Interesting description."

"I just–oh Stars, Salex." My hand had slipped under her waistband, immediately finding the heat of her body where it pulsed between her thighs.

Hot. Slick. Perfect. Fuck I couldn't wait to sink my cock into this sacred part of her. The part of her she would share with no other male after her. I retracted my claws, being careful with the sensitive flesh as I explored what I was dying to taste.

Hilary's hips moved, jerking and moving against my hand as I continued my desire to trace and illustrated every inch of her needy, beautiful little pussy. "Salex? Oh fuck, Salex, those fingers."

I snarled through a grin at her, knowing my fingers were far larger than any man's who she might have felt before. While I didn't take lightly to the fact that she might have been with another male, I loved the fact that she'd never been with one like me. And she never would again.

She was it.

I was hers.

My eyes zeroed in on her neck, that's where I wanted to plant my mark. Right where everyone could see it. Mine, it would scream, if the scent of my cum dripping from her beautiful, pregnant body wasn't enough, that mark would make it abundantly clear.

Hillary squirmed on the bed, bringing my attention back to her form. "Tell your mate what you need."

"I need," Hillary's head arched back. "I want to go back to my nest."

My smile was victorious. She might be a human, but she was Trenzian at her core now. "And then."

"I want your bite, Salex, I want your venom."

My cock throbbed and I broke away, my breathing ragged as tried to reel back in my orgasm. While Trenzian's could come as often and as much as their mates needed, I wasn't about to confuse Hillary this early on.

I especially didn't want to explain the part about my venom that also resided in my cum, she would find that out in due time. 


More coming soon ;)

If you want to read now, you can find the next few chapters released early on my Patreon! 

LINK: patreon.com/g_bee_writes

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