Episode Fourteen

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"Why am I so itchy?" I mumbled, miserably pacing back and forth in front of a distraught looking Ghantlan. Neither of us had gotten much sleep last night and after he had been excused from this morning's duties Ghantlan and I had both attempted to nap.

It was obviously failing as I marched around our combined room once again. "You have to relax, Hillary, you're going to wear a hole in the floor."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't exaggerate."

"Even so, you have to relax, it can't be good for the younglings."

That stopped me fast. "Okay, then please, keep reading. Tell me why I can't stop this restlessness, the itching, the...I don't know, craving."

Ghantlan flicked his hands over his tablet, moving the pages of the old information on Trenzian bonds that the medical team had sent over last night. Ghantlan had a copy as well and I knew that he'd spend far more time reading it than I could've. Probably because I could barely think straight, let alone sit down and read records of purple aliens who became obsessed with their mates at the drop of a proverbial hat.

"Cravings are normal, just like any pregnancy symptom," Ghantlan calmly repeats. He had already said it several times.

"But why does nothing sound good, or even taste good," I whined a little, plopping down on the bed beside him. This was technically my bed, but we'd given up on any kind of formal relationship after I had begged to borrow his clawed fingers to itch at the skin on my back. I was clearly not built for management.

"We just haven't found what you want yet." Ghantlan's cheeks, a softer purple than Salex's flush. "It doesn't necessarily mean food."

I rubbed a hand over my face, "What does it mean?"
"I've been reading ahead, to the part about the Trenzian bond. There's a good chance, since you are already carrying Commander Salex's baby, that there's remnants of a bond there. Even without a claiming bite to formalize the relationship."

Blinking, I slowly look at my sudo-bodyguard, "You're saying that, why?"

"Trenzian mates, especially early on in a bond, will be physically difficult to be separated from. It can manifest in many ways."

"How do I make it go away?"

"Uh," Ghantlan's throat bobs, "Most records say it can only be resolved when mates are reunited."

"But I'm not his mate."

"You are his surrogate, and as far as his body–and yours–is concerned, you need each other. After he held you yesterday, skin to skin, you were fine for almost a full day. Let's call him and see if he can come by an–."

"And what? Pet me?" My voice rose a full octave and I stood up, moving back to my now familiar pacing space.

Ghantlan snorted, "Petting would work, I suppose. Perhaps just a little cuddle." I could hear him teasing me now and I gave him an ugly finger gesture that I wasn't sure he would understand. The young male knew enough, though, that he ducked his chin and continued on.

"Is there anything else?"

"Other than a petting session?" Ghantlan signed, tossing his tablet to the side, "Nothing yet. No medication is safe enough for the youngling. Not when this would be easily remedied by a visit from the Commander."

I swallowed, my voice shaking a little, "He doesn't want to see me."

Ghantlan slowly raised his chin, a rough sigh escaping his body. "That's not what I said."

"No, that's exactly what you said."

"I said he asked me to keep you away from him."

I cocked a hip, pushing a fist on my side as I glared at him. "How is that any different?"

"Because the Commander never said he wanted to stay away from you, just that he had to."

Staring, I finally put the pieces together. "Ghantlan, is there a chance that the commander is struggling exactly how I am?"

Ghantlan stood, fixing his uniform as he did. "A chance? I think there's probably no chance he's not suffering more than you are."

I stared at the Trenzian. "Make the call."

He reached for his tablet and my hand flew to rest on his forearm. "Please, don't make me sound too desperate."



How do you think the 'petting' will go? Do you think there are any other fun side effects coming up?

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