Episode Thirteen

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I'd taken a long time in the cleanser. Not just with the need to be clean after my matches, but I desperately needed the time to think over what Us'ia had said. That and it hadn't taken but a few minutes of being alone before I'd given into the day-long urge to reach down, grip my cock and release some of the nearly painful pressure that had been growing there since Hillary had woken up.

Not that I was surprised, every Trenzian male had a strong sex drive. But it was even worse in my case as the object of my instincts' desire was currently eating in the dining hall only a short distance from my chambers.

As the water washed over my shoulders, I pictured how exactly I could get to her and how quickly I could. I would take the first hall to the center breakout, where I could take a shortcut through the officer's specific common room, cut across the main dining hall and have my hands on my surrogate.

I groaned, turning so I could let my forehead press against the cool wall. And then what would I do with her? Every part of me wanted to press her into a pile of bedding, to hold her thighs wide, one hand on her hip, the other on her belly as I guided myself into her silken heat.

"Fuck," I swallowed back the curse as my hand began to work my length. I was harder than steel, my cock already dark and throbbing at even the barest touch of my own palm. My mind warred with itself, desperate for relief, while every other part of me mourned the inability to spill myself into the female my body was so convinced was mine.

And stroked my cock hard.

She was mine, I compromised internally. At least until my youngling was born. And then this fucking curse would be over. When we were rescued, the pods would be viable again. I would offer her the chance to go back to sleep for the remaining months of her pregnancy.

The medical team would care for her. And just as we reached home, my youngling would be placed in my arms.

I would be free to raise him as I wanted, as the warrior I'd been raised like as well.

That was the plan.

So why did my cock deflate the instant I pictured her, Hillary, standing on the landing docks of the Trenzian capital with her bag at her feet.

"Fucking instinctual nightmare," I said out loud, shutting off the cleanser and changing into a pair of soft sleeping pants. I never actually slept with them on, but since I still hadn't completed my day's work, due to the pacing and the fighting and the unplanned sparring, I couldn't very well get any sleep at this point.

My skin was itchy and felt odd against my own hands as I rubbed a careful claw over my forearm. Perhaps I had come in contact with something unusual in the medical facility. Shrugging, I settled on a sofa, my tablet in one hand, a steaming cup of luck in the other. It was what I had always considered the ideal night.

Why was I so miserable? Not to mention the fact that I could've climbed out of my skin as feelings of unease permeated my very core.

I was about to get my youngling. My promotion. The life I'd always fought for. I was getting everything I wanted.




A little mental verbiage, but I had to get Salex's thoughts out and on paper.

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