Episode Thirty-Seven

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I was so warm. Overwhelmingly so actually. But at the same time I couldn't make myself move. Too comfortable, too content.

Breathing deeply I turned my face into the plush blankets that were under my cheek. Had Ghantlan brought in some new bedding for me? How nice of him. He must've moved Salex's clothing over too, because the space under my heart, where the bond ached at times, was instead buzzing with contentment.

I yawned, snuggling deeper. I should've taken those pills sooner if I thought they were going to make things that much easier to deal with. The baby in my belly rolled over, making my lips curl a little. Even they were happier now that I was...well..ingesting some of Salex. If it was that simple, I was going to take as many as I needed to to keep everyone happy.

I resettled in the blankets, blinking my eyes open. The ceiling, the smooth metallic panels staring back down at me as I laid there. But there was just one thing. I slept in a bunkbed. The only ceiling I would be seeing was the underside of Ghantlan's bunk above me.

I wasn't in my bedroom anymore, was I? Fuck.

Shifting ever so slightly, I looked over my shoulder and then froze. Salex was there, his bulk surrounding me in what appeared to be the biggest pile of blankets and pillows I'd ever seen. It took up most of his rooms, save the small kitchenette and a door leading to what had to be a washroom.

I looked around, then resettled my gaze on him. God, he was beautiful like this, with that mouth soft, his jaw relaxed as one of his hands gripped my hips. I was so used to the brooding, tense version of this male, that this nearly unrecognizable. My fingers twitched and I wished I could run my fingers across his cheekbones, trace the strong line of his nose. I already knew how soft his skin was. Trenzian's didn't have hair like we did, they were smooth, all over.

My cheeks flushed as my belly tightened and knotted at the thought of all the places he was bare that I hadn't seen yet. A soft rumble directly followed that thought and the hand on my hip rolled low, cupping my belly and smoothing a thumb over the tightly stretched skin.

"If you keep thinking like that, I'm going to have a hard time letting you rest."

I huffed a short laugh, letting my hips sink back into his grip. I was tucked up tightly against his belly, feeling the hard line of muscle right where it dropped to below his waistband. A few more inches and I would be right up against that glorious cock I'd dreamed of.

"How long was I out?"

"Nearly two days."

I jerked upright, Salex's arm flying off of me as I did. "Oh my God, two days?"

Salex laughed, rising up onto an elbow. "You drank a lot of sleeping potion."

"I did," I swallowed, my hand rising to press against my belly, "But everything's okay?"

His hand covered mine, "Everything's perfect. Lylta came by this morning when he thought you might be getting close to waking up."

I nodded, doing a quick top to bottom on how I felt. Salex watched, eyes golden and gentle. "What do you need?"

My cheeks felt like they might be on fire once again, "Uh...just the washroom."

Salex surprised me when he flashed a fanged grin in my direction and rolled to his feet. A moment later, he was reaching for me, palms open. Giving him a hard look I carefully put my hands in his.

"I imagine it is getting harder and harder to get up these days." Salex helped me to my feet, then stayed in front of me, my hands still in his.

I wanted to ask him what was going on, what had happened while I was asleep, but my bladder had other thoughts. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

I dashed over to the door that Salex was gesturing towards and quickly relieved myself, washed my face and hands then reemerged. Sure enough, Salex was exactly where I left him.

Holy Stars.

He was buck naked. How the hell had I missed that? My eyes drank him in, my body shivering with the mix of surprise and pleasure at seeing every inch of his flesh suddenly exposed for me. The long, sharp lines of muscle contrasted sharply with the angles of his face and body. His stalis were free, hanging down to the base of his spine, save the few that swayed lightly even now. The cut of muscle over his hip teased me, making me wonder what he could do with the thick, powerful looking thighs just below.

And yes, let's face it, I was lost after he turned lightly and illuminated his cock with the dim lighting from the washroom behind me.

"Oh-uh-," I stuttered, unable to look away. His length was darker purple than the pale violet of his body, heavy and long it hung between his thighs. Like I'd guessed, he was hairless and I could see every inch of the part of him that made him distinctly male. My core clenched, empty and needy now as I could see the part of him that would so easily join us.

Well not easily, I'd never taken anyone like that. He was far thicker and longer than any human man I'd ever seen. Tension knotted deep in my belly and I suddenly found myself unable to look away, following the lines of his body straight up until I found his gold eyes watching me once more.

"Did you see something you like?"

"You did not just say that?" I respond by forcing my feet to move back to him, pretending to be unaffected by him.

Salex small smile broadens. "Your body betrays you, little one," he said, gently tapping the side of his nose.

Fuck, I forgot, he can probably smell my every emotion from halfway across the galaxy. That is, unless the bond tying us together hadn't already tattled on my apparently obvious need.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, you're hot. Your cock is huge. I have no idea what to do with this moment." I planted my hands on my hips. "Now can you please tell me why I went to sleep thinking you were never going to want to talk to me again and woke up to us cohabitating?"

I swallowed, "And not just cohabiting....but cuddling Salex." I practically hissed the last lines, my confusion rising into my chest.

Salex's features grew serious. "I can no longer trust your safety with anyone but myself."

I blinked. "That's it? You've said something like that about ten times."

Salex snorted but I rushed onwards. "What changed? I thought we were just focusing on the youngling?"

Salex's bare feet, four-toed I noticed as he stepped closer, "We are. But I'm done pretending that I don't want to keep you close."

"What does that mean?" My heart skittered, my palms feeling hot and sweaty as Salex leaned in, his arm snaking around my waist.

"It means, little one, that I'm starting to believe in fate."

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