Episode 41

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That's what he'd called me. I wanted to protest, to tell him that he didn't need to call me that unless he was serious and sure.

But I couldn't make my mouth move, the feeling in my chest making my heart ache with the pleasure of that simple word.

And he wanted me.

I shivered, his golden eyes sweeping over my body one more time, then his fingers found the edge of my top, tugging at it gently.

My cheeks felt hot, but I didn't shy away as he got frustrated with the top and allowed his nails to lower, the razor sharp claws slicing through my top with no trouble. I shrugged out of the scraps, and found myself bare before him. In another world I might have scrambled to cover myself, maybe even push him away so I could get a blanket to cover up. But not in this one. My body vibrated with the pleasure that hummed away at my core, further proof that we were meant to be together, to share this moment.

Salex's head dropped back, the thick column of his neck working hard as his stalis waved about in the air.


"I was prepared to love my child, a little one." His throat worked again, "I was prepared for him."

I touched his arm where it braced alongside my body on the bed. His skin was hot against my own, the muscles moving under as the male above me remained tense.

"But I was not prepared for you."
My heart clenched.

"The things you make me want," Salex continued, "I never thought I would be able to have. And now, here you are, so close to me, so close to what I dreamed of."

I smiled up at him.

"I wasn't expecting you either."

Salex's head slowly lowered until he was hovering over my face, his hips spreading my thighs wide against so he could rest over me. I gasped, the hot slide of his flesh against mine was enough to send my need spiraling back up through me. As if sensing my need, his hips arched for a moment before settling frustratingly far from where I wanted him.

"Are you disappointed?"

The haze of arousal lessened as my brows lowered and I looked up at him. "That you are mine?"

After a moment, Salex nodded. My belly hollowed and my hands moved to frame his now-familiar face, pulling it so close that my eyes nearly crossed.

"You have changed everything about what I thought my life was going to be like," Salex began to pull away at my words, but my hands held his face fast. "And I have never been more grateful."

He relaxed once more, hsi weight settling carefully over me.

"You are kind. You are loving. You take care of everyone on his ship, and never worry for yourself. I know we're in danger, and I know that things are about to change, but I won't ever regret that you are mine."

I love you, I swallowed hard. I couldn't say that last part, even though it was true.

I loved him. More than the mating bond. More than the universe's fate. I loved him.

Salex groaned, his nose bumping mine as he leaned in for a kiss. The kiss wasn't gentle, it wasn't careful, it was a desperate pull and push of tongues as his hips rolled against my heat once more. I gasped, breaking the kiss to catch my breath, my hands going to his hips, where my legs tucked in tight around him.

"Mate, I cannot wait," Salex's tongue traced a line from my collarbone to my neck, his breath hot against my skin. "Tell me I can have you."
My body was shaking now, the need to tuck him in close, to let him have me, to let him bite me and mark me for everyone to see me consuming everything else.

"I'm yours."

Salex's hand, the claws retracted once more, moved low, gripping my thigh and tilting my body up to meet his. The heavy weight of his cock notching at my entrance. I squirmed, desperate for more of that heavy length. I wanted him inside me.


Authors note:

You're going to love this next episode, coming next week! If you want to read it now, the next several chapters are already on my patreon (patreon.com/g_bee_writes) ready for you to enjoy!

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