Episode Eleven

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I cracked my neck, beautiful adrenaline flooding my system as I stared down at Us'ia. The big male was sprawled on his back, grinning up at me through bloody teeth.
"Do you yield?"

Us'ia growled, rolling backwards onto his shoulders before having himself through the air to land lightly on the balls of his feet. I grinned back, falling back in a fighting stance as the warrior circled me. All around us other groups sparred, but I could feel the eyes of my shipmates hot on my flesh.

Were they watching for my weakness? Because fuck that, they wouldn't find it here.

"Do you feel them watching you?" Us'ia hissed, then pulled a quick jab at my left side. I ducked around, turning back to face him.

"I do. They can look all they want but they won't find the weakness they seek." I ducked another punch Us'ia threw, then dropped an elbow into his chest and punched into his jaw. Cursing he ducked most of the thrust of my fists.

"They aren't looking for weakness, Commander," the way he said commander was a clear offense and I snarled, dropping low and aiming a kick for his shins. Us'ia leapt into the air, then leveled a hard hitting kick at my lower back. It landed, making my eyes water, even as I captured the limb and threw him back onto the sparring room floors.

"You are many things, Us'ia," I said, saliva filling my mouth as I leaned over hsi prone body. "But I never expected a liar. Now, do you yield?" We'd been at it for much longer than the usual match and I could feel the ache in my muscles even now. Us'ia was a powerful warrior. But now, under me, his entire body went slack.

"I am not a liar, Commander," he said softly, so that only we could hear it, "what you are seeing is a ship full of men who are witnessing hope for the first time in generations. You cannot blame us for watching."

"What?" I sat back so fast that I almost stumbled.

Us'ia yellow eyes snapped up to mine, where they held, raw and surprisingly clear. My own blood responded, clearing of the blood lust that I almost always battle in these chambers. Usias lips moved so slightly that I barely noticed them, "We support you, Alpha Commander, and your mate."


"And of course your youngling," Us'ia voice never wavers, but remains so quiet that I have to strain to understand him. "There are many among us who do not understand why we fight, when there is nothing to fight for. We want more, commander."

My throat works as I stare down at this warrior, who I'd only even known to be a callous killer, as he bared this private, deeply sensitive part of his soul. "You want more."

Us'ia sat up, loudly proclaiming, "I yield." He took the arm I'd forgotten I'd offered him and I rose automatically. When Us'ia was back on his feet, he leaned in, offering a slight bow, but also these final words.

"Treasure them," he murmured, and then offering me one final bow, he was gone. Leaving me looking around the sparring pits with more awareness than I had before.

Had I been so wrong? Where the looks I'd assumed were doubt really just jealousy? Or as Us'ia mentioned, could they be hoped for as well?



Hey, some more plot for you! What do you think Us'ia really wants? Does he want his surrogate out too?

Should I let her out? :P

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