Episode Eighteen

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"What is that? It looks like some kind of weird noodle?"

Ghantlan barely suppresses a laugh before he leans down and whispers in my ear, "It is a kind of....fish, one that is quite good with the yellow sauce on it."

Nodding happily, I take up a two pronged utensils and select two large of the strange looking tubular filets and then cover them with sauce from the next bowl over.

"I take it that things..." Ghantlan glanced around us, "Went well with the Commander?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I feel like you're insinuating something."

Ghantlan shrugged, picking up my now overly full meal tray and carrying it to a small table to one side of the dining hall. I followed like an obedient puppy, more than content to let my roommate turned bodyguard help me out today. I plopped down in the chair, which was built for Trenzian's and therefore left my feet swinging midair.

"I'm not insinuating anything, just that you've been a totally changed person today."

I took a bite of something that looked like an orange kiwi and grinned, "I slept last night, the entire night, like a normal person." I happily slapped my hands into the tabletop, "I didn't even wake up to pee."

Ghantlan's nose wrinkled, "I don't need to know that."

"Oh, come on roomie, we're celebrating here." I broke off a piece of my lunch, "Here, have a fish noodle."

My roommate sighed dramatically then settled into hsi own meal, "I'm not sure I like this side of you."

I laughed, "You mean the healthy, non-anxiety ridden version?"

Ghantlan sent a fanged grin my way. "Maybe."

I kicked him under the table, then turend my attention to the plate in front of me. Today was the first day I felt like myself. After Salex had come to our room, holding me, letting me nap on his chest as his heavy hands stroked my back, eveyrhtin ghad changed. I'd slept through the night, I feel like someone who had just reocvered from an enormous hangover and could see the light once more.

Oh and I was starving. But I blamed that on the Trenzian warrior that was slowly growing in my belly. I eyed a particularly large crewmale who wandered by. Thank God, Trenzian's were born small for their species, growing exponentially fast after the first few years of their lives. Otherwise RIP to my poor vagina.

I blinked, suddenly realizing something. "Ghantlan, I just realized this. Does this mean that I have to actually push this baby out? Not like the super magical Trenzian technology way?"

Ghantlan looks pale, "Please, Hillary, I'm begging you. Salex will hang me from the engine room is he thinks we are talking about anything that....personal."

I blinked at him, enjoying his discomfort more than I should. "Do you know how babies are made? You know, the old school way."

Ghantlan tossed down his fork. "Don't you have an appointment with the medic in a few minutes?"

"I do." I giggled around a mouthful of food. He was clearly trying to get rid of me. Who knew a little boost of Trenzian cuddles would make me feel so much better. I'm going to have to convince Salex to let me nap on him all the time. 

His brows rose with emphasis. "Better eat up then."

I pointed at him with my fork. "This conversation is not over."

Ghantlan groaned as I scooped up another bite of my lunch and popped it in my mouth. Today would be a better day. I could feel it.


More Trenzian cuddles coming right up! Am I the only one who adores Ghantlan's little brother vibes? Maybe he needs his own story someday....

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