Episode 54

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I could drown in this pleasure. The way she tasted on my tongue, her legs shaking faintly with the last vestiges of her orgasm. My cock throbbed inside the confines of my pants, but I ignored it. I would stay here, worshiping her until I knew that she was completely ready for this. Because when I finally slid into my mate's hot cunt, I was going to sink my teeth into her as well.

My balls tightened at the thought. My mate under me, submitting to my knot, letting my venom lock us together for eternity.

"Fuck," I moaned, my hips rolling against the nest while Hillary's fingers twitched against my skin.

"Salex," Hillary's voice was a whisper, "I think–Oh God, I need more."

Thank the fucking stars, I thought as I reared up. The venom in my saliva would've softened her body, allowing me to fuck her the way I wanted to, but I needed to hear it too.

Rocking back on my ankles, then standing, I ripped my clothing from my body, Hillary rose to her elbows, hungry eyes on my body. Then slowly, she slipped a hand around her belly and skimmed her fingers over her pussy.

I growled, stroking the heavy weight of my cock as it bobbed. It was slick with precum and I could already feel the thick knot building at the base.

"Roll over, mate."

Hillary blinked in surprise, but I stayed still, dragging my fist up my cock once more. Id' been dying to have her like this, on her hands and knees, but it also served as a solution for the fact that her belly was going to be hard to move around. Especially once I knotted her. As if sensing the direction behind my comment, Hillary moved eagerly, shifting until she was on her hands and knees, hair spilling over her back.

"Like this?"

I dropped to my knees behind her, my hands following the curve of her back before gripping her hips. I couldn't wait much longer. The need was too great. "You are perfect," I said, leaning down to press a kiss to the center of her spine. "This is your last chance Hillary - say the word and I will stop right now. But if you don't, " I tried to calm my breathing, "If you don't, you will be mine and I yours. Forever."

"I'm already yours," she answered softly, "I love you."

My heart races at her words. Letting my head fall back, I feel the venom dripping into my mouth as my fangs descend. Leaning over her body, I pressed my face against her hair, breathing her in as my other hand guided me to her slick heat.

The moment the head of my cock touches her, I'm done being gentle. My hips jump and push, impaling her with one hard, long thrust. Hillary cries out, as do I, as her muscles flutter and grip the length of me.

"Fucking perfect, every time, mate, every time."

Hillary shivered under me, her hands wrapped in the blankets as my body curled against hers. "Please, Salex, more."

My hands found the soft curve of her hips. Holding her in place, I pulled back, until just the swollen head of my cock remained inside of her. Then, with a growl, I thrust back inside. Her body welcomes me as our skin slapped together with a wet, satisfying noise. I drove deep, needing to feel all of her against me, then retreated, only to do it again. Again and again, I buried myself inside of her. The sound of her cries and shouts of pleasure spurring me on as my movements grew choppy. I reached between us, under the round belly to her clit. Circling it, I pressed her on, wanting to feel her come one more time before I knotted us together.

"Come for me, mate, let me feel how good you milk this cock."

"Oh God," Hillary's voice quivered, then broke off as her hips leaped against my circling finger. A moment later, her body clamped down on me, gripping and tightening as she came around me.

I couldn't wait any longer. Thrusting home, I seated myself deep inside of her then leaned forward, sliding her hair to the side.

Her skin was warm, firm, but no match for the press of my fangs. I chose a spot just between her neck and shoulder, somewhere that would be seen by everyone. And the moment her blood tangled with my venom, my life became complete.

My mate....she was mine now. Fuck, I couldn't wait any longer. My cock erupted, painting the hot, gripping muscles of her cunt with my cum.

"Fuck, you're perfect. I can't stop coming, your pretty cunt is milking me dry." I groaned, my spine snapping tight as my cock spasmed again.

Rolling my hips, I thrust against her. More gentle now, as my knot worked its way into her body. Hillary continued to beg me to keep going, one hand reaching back and sliding to cup my face.

"You are mine," snarled, pulling out to lick at the two dark marks on her neck, my venom still thick on my tongue as I healed her.

My knot was deep inside of her, and I knew that while she could hear me, Hillary's body was in the midst of another orgasm.

As this one finally subsided, her body relaxed around my still throbbing length. I had no idea how long we would be like this, but it was bliss. Still locked deep inside of her, I reached around to slide a hand under her belly and cupped the weight of it.

Hillary sighed, her body shaking as it leaned back against mine. "Thank you," she whispered as I held the weight of her belly, trying to let her relax.

I huffed a short laugh. "Thank you?" I dropped my head so I could press my nose against her hair. "You never have to thank me, mate. This, all of this, is more than I could've ever imagined. Caring for you is a privilege. Loving you is an honor." I felt her belly tighten as my cock continued to throb, my knot leaking more cum into her body. I groaned, "And fucking you is the highlight of my life."

Her inner walls clamped down on me and I grunted again, feeling another quake of her muscles around me. HIllary moaned, then sagged back against me. "They just keep coming."

I guided her forwards until she was back on her knees, then curled to the side. I moved with her, my body already eager to make her shake once again. "It might be awhile."

"Oh yeah?"

I nuzzled against her neck, finding the faint scars I'd left on her neck. "I don't know for sure, but based on how you feel wrapped around me." As if on cue, my pelvis ground against her ass. "I'm sor–."

"Don't you dare apologize, Salex," Hillary said, pushing her ass back into me, "I'll take everything you give me." She turned her head to smile at me, "Mate."

My hands found her hips, holding her against me tighter, "Fuck, say it again."

Hillary hummed, then rolled her hips in my grip, making my knot squeeze, more cum jetting out. "Mate."

We were going to be here for a very long time.


AHH! It's all finally happening? Are you interested in reading ahead? I have a patreon with advance episodes. 


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