Episode Six

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Her panic was still riding me hard. I hadn't expected the onslaught of her emotions as my stalis swept over her, but then, that's why i always avoided touching others with them. I didn't even remember making the decision to drape them across her, it had been all instinct. But in this case, it was helping far more than I'd expected.

Unlike the medic who was still staring at the pair of us, his jaw swung low, I knew exactly what she was feeling. There was fear, sure, but not in the way they'd expected. She had been driven hard by instinct, Trenzian instinct if wasn't incorrect. She had intended to make a run for it, to get somewhere safe, to protect the young she'd been surprised with in her belly.

My hearts lurched a little at that. She didn't even intend to carry the youngling, not really, and yet her first instinct was to protect him.

She didn't need to worry any longer. I would protect them both. My blood throbbed in my veins as her body pressed against my chest. I felt like I was a hundred feet tall. My muscles blurged with a surge of protectiveness and I cradled her even closer. She was soft, this female, all satin covered edges and silken hair.

All except for the belly that pressed against my chest. That sensation was enough to make me rear my head and roar at any of those others who were in the room. How dare they look at her. How dare they see what was mine.

"Commander," the medic said quietly. He was either a very brave male, or an idiot. I couldn't decide which. "We need to examine her. There are additional tests to be run.."

"Is she and my young essentially healthy?"

The woman's chin wobbles a little, those green eyes blurring as she stares up at me, transfixed. "Yes, Commander."

"Then I suggest you wait until she's completely woken up and in a state that is conducive to your tests."

The medic moved closer. "Commander Salex..."

I snarled that time, just a little, a peek at the sharp fangs that my kind was so well known for. We liked to do two things with them, to fuck, and to fight. And since there was no fucking happening, then the only think i was planning on sinking them into was the staccato artery pumping away at his throat. "Do not question me, medic, unless you ant to end up very, very far from home with nothing but yourself for company."

The medic clammed up, his face tight as he took a purposeful step back. "Very good, Alpha Commander."

I nodded, turning to find Adra standing at the doorway, his stance wide and protective. "Adra?"

My best friend bowed his head slightly, then turned to the room. "Clear the space, Commander needs through."

Gratitude swelled in my chest and I pushed forward, carrying Hillary easily through the space and into the main medical chambers. The lights were brighter here and I could feel Hillary balk, turning her head into my uniform as she burrowed in deeper.

Conflict rose in my throat. I hated the fact she was hurting or perhaps even surprised by the bright lights. But having her move closer by her own choice, it only continued to feed the power that thrummed in my veins.

The bond's power.Fuck.

Adra cleared the small group before us, then led the way out into the hallways and down the ship until we reached Ghantlan's room. Hillary remained completely still in my arms, my stalis winding around her fingers as she held both hands tightly around her belly. Around my youngling.

Adra knocked twice, then opened the room. Ghantlan stood there, unusually stoic until I came into view. Then his face lost all chances of being professional. He looked young, surprised and even a tiny bit humored by seeing me appear at his door with my surrogate in my arms.

"Come in, Commander, Lieutenant Adra," Ghantlan stepped forward, his hands reaching for Hillary as we moved into his chamber. As soon as his claws brushed her arm, my entire body recoiled. A snarl, deep and low, erupted from my throat.

"If you value your life, you will remove your hands from her. Now."



Who wants to guess whose room she will end up in now? *wink wink*

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