Episode Fifteen

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I was walking back to my chambers after another long day of tracking Ghantlan's status on the ship and wearing more of my floor down to the metal when the message came through.

Not many of my crew would have the balls to message me through our on-board communication devices. But sure enough, one message came through and before I could open it, another two.

GHANTLAN: Commander, there is no emergency, but your surrogate has a request

My heart pounded in my chest.

GHANTLAN: She is feeling the effects of the bond illness and needs contact.

GHANTALN: With you.

"Contact with you," I said quietly, pausing without opening my doors. My cock thickened in my trousers and my mind moved immediately to images of my surrogate wrapped around me, the satin of her skin humming against mine. Desire and arousal filled my chest and I knew before I even prepared a return message that I would be helpless to deny her anything.

ALPHA COMMANDER: Do not bring her to my chambers.

I swallowed, we needed to stay out of my rooms. I'd been reviewing as much as I could on past mating bond relationships and I knew one thing for certain, no matter how strong I thought I was, there was no way this female could come to my rooms, just for a touch or two and then be able to leave.

I wouldn't allow it.

GHANTLAN: Sir, she's quite miserable.

ALPHA COMMANDER: I'm coming to you.

My blood was surging through my body, my hands fisting at my side after I tucked my tablet back into my uniform. The idea of seeing her, of relieving her pain, it was equal in my mind with the raging desire that begged me to take it a step further, to let myself fuck her.

I shook my head, shouldering aside an unsuspecting crew member who didn't see me coming. I apologized with a soft growl and continued marching on. Now that I had given myself leave to see her, I wanted to get there as soon as possible.

By the time I got to Ghantlan's door, my attempt at civility was waning and my instincts were peaking like never before. I opened my mouth, huffing in the air as my stalis slowly unbraided themselves, as if prepared to touch her again. I should allow it, I wanted to. My stalis was loaded with sensors more accurate than the medical devices. They are uniquely capable of sensing and providing everything she might need.

The same way they provided me with information on my enemies.

The door swung open and Ghantlan stood there, braced and stiff. My brows lowered, "Ghantlan?"

The warrior didn't flinch at the barely veiled growl in my voice. "Are you...are you in control, Commander?"

My brows flew up once more, and my lips raised in a small snarl. "Are you challenging me?"

The male responded with another snort, "You made me promise to protect them, Commander, I'm only doing my job."

I relaxed immediately, then reached an arm out to pat his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Ghantlan, things are...difficult right now." Difficult to not think about her. Difficult to not think about the youngling in her belly.

My female.

My youngling.

Fuck, I could feel my muscles clenching as my mind devolved further into the bond's madness. Ghantlan was too close, this room smelled like him. I wanted her to smell like me, what the fuck had i beenthinking not bringing her to my rooms. I could protect them there, like a good mate would.

Unable to follow my manic thoughts, Ghantlan merely nodded a little, moving aside. I wretched myself back into the present and tried to focus on remaining calm. I didn't want to scare her, that much my mind and instincts and cock all agreed on.

"I understand, Commander, please come in."

I ducked into the chambers, my eyes immediately finding Hillary in the room. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt, the fit of it tight across her breasts, belly and hips before soft light colored pants billowed out her legs.

She was foreign perhaps, not like our females, who shared our bright coloring and boney facial features, but beautiful nonetheless.

"Hello," she offered quietly, and I don't miss the way her hands are twisting in front of her. Ghantlan closed the door behind me, sealing us in together.

"Hello," I moved a step forward, noting that her eyes fluttered shut as my scent filled the room. Deep in my chest, my rattle came to life, pleased that the female before me was welcoming my scent. "Ghantlan said you weren't feeling well."

Hillary laughed a little, but the sound was fake, grating. "I guess you could say that." She forces her eyes back to mine, "I have a proposal for you."

Every part of me fires to life. A proposal? What could she have in mind?

"I'm listening."



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