Episode 55

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He was all mine.

I ran a finger up and down the hard lines of Salex's chest as I curled my leg over his. My belly, sandwiched between us, tightened for a moment.

"Are you well? Salex asked, his eyes still closed. I had no idea what time it was, or even in what world we lived in. After Salex had bitten me, claimed me in every sense of the word, we had fallen into a pattern of cuddling, sex, he would knot me, then start the process all over again. I know it couldn't have been that long, because there's no way the Prime could give us that much time to wait – but damn it felt good.

"Baby just needs more room," I murmured, watching the way his chest rose and fell under my fingertips. He really was beautiful.

His hand moved to my belly. "Soon, little one, then you can stretch and move around all you want."

"After we figure out what step two is," I responded.

Salex grumbled, "Oren barely knows what step one is."

"We will figure it out together. Oren needs the Loskee now, in order to see whether or not the program that the Trenzians designed however many years ago is actually capable of setting up real mates, not just successful surrogacies. He needs data, and without waiting months, he can get that here."

Salex's shoulders shifted under me, "I understand his reason, but there's no evidence that his brother will even take note of the data once he has it. Plus, he is stubborn."

"You mean he's bossy, I've seen you two together, it's a battle of testosterone."

Salex didn't answer, merely grunted and resumed stroking my belly. After a long moment, there was a soft toll of someone outside of Salex's office. I crooked my head, peering through the open bedroom door into the part of the office I could see.

"It's Ghantlan," Salex said, his sigh long and deep.

"How do you know that?"

"He's the only one who would dare come in right now."

I laughed, biting his shoulder, "You're all bark and no bite."
"He's hoping that for sure." Sitting up, Salex gently dislodged me, then rose and threw a blanket back over me. "Stay here, stay comfortable. Let me see what he needs."

"All bark," I hissed at him as he dragged his dark uniform trousers back up his legs. Ignoring me he walked through the door to his office, closing it halfway behind him.

I scooted around until I could peer in, while still hiding my nakedness with the blanket he'd covered me in. I see Ghantlan's large form move past the door and I know based on how easily I can hear them that they must be standing at Salex's desk.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Commander."

"Well, you've already done it, so let's move on. What do you need?"

"I've moved all of the crew out of the rooms needed for the other surrogates. So far none are awake enough to leave Lylta. Maybe soon though."

"Everyone is healthy?"

"From what I know, yes. There's only one small issue that's come up."

"And that is?"

"Adra and his surrogate, Kait, have been moved back to his quarters.'
"As long as he's behaving I don't see why–."
"They were moved," Ghantlan said, interrupting, "Because Kait was experiencing contractions."

I sat up with a lurch. "Kait?" Tucking my knees under me, I awkwardly got to my feet, wrapping the blanket around me like a cape and marching into the office. "Is she okay?"

Ghantlan's eyes snapped to me, then quickly found an interesting spot on the ceiling to stare at as Salex growled low in his throat. "Lylta was able to stop them, but Adra is obviously very concerned. Moving her into his quarters so he could satisfy his need to protect her seemed like the best option."

"Well done," Salex nodded, one hand pressing into my lower back.

"Can I see her? I want to see her."
"No Salex, I can't let her be all alone." It was suddenly so serious, so necessarily to be there for her. We, the other surrogates, Kait and I were experiencing something no one else had every had.

Slowly, Salex nodded. I turned to Ghantlan, ready to ask him to guide me there.

"Clothes first, Hillary," Salex said gruffly. Ghantlan groaned and turned to the door.

"I will be outside," he said, "Please be dressed when you come out here. Salex already wants to murder me."


Poor Ghantlan!  More of the ladies will be coming up in the next few chapters - including a future mate for G. If you want to read ahead - you can always join my patreon and get the next episode now.


Have  a great day!

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