Chapter 3.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.03•°*"˜.•°*"˜

Jungkook looked at his wrist watch as it tocks at 2:45 AM, he went to club with Jimin there he went late he told you to be with Jungseok so now since he came he walked towards his son's room knowing he would be sleeping, He quietly opened the door as he wide his eyes to watch the scenery in front of his eyes.....

His son was sleeping on his bed with a blanket on as the beauty was also laying besides him, maybe slept while making him sleep, a story book was on her lap as he gulped to watch the cloth from her body higher, He looked down and watched his bulge growing made him to chuckle softly that just with that little gesture how that little girl made him go all hard....

Slowly he walked as he bite on his lips to saw your shirt from your shoulder slide making your pastel pink bra's strip to visible......

Cute.... he murmured as he looked down and gulped when he saw your shirt's button opened maybe due to the force making your cleavage to visible as he hissed and bite on his pierced lip as he extend his hand and moved his fingers in an urge to touch your cleavage but he poked his tongue and moved back his hand, He moved his eyes as he licked his lips when he saw your cloth moved higher revealing your milky thighs as he smirked and tilted his head.....

Only he knows how he's controlling himself, preventing himself from touching you or he would torn all the clothes apart which are working like a barrier and stopping him to saw that body of yours, The hairs that covering the beautiful sight as he removed the hair strands from your face made you to moan in sleep as he clenched his legs by the popping inside made him to chuckle softly....

Oh little girl....

He extend his hand and placed on your shoulder as he smirked and gave it a squeeze softly to feel your skin he felt a rush of adrenaline as he shrugged the feeling and shook you made you to open your eyes, You immediately sat and maintained your dress as you felt so embarrassed right now....

"Sorry I was jus-

"It's alright" he said as I higher my lids and watched him, he was wearing a black shirt sucking his body perfectly as his buttons were fighting with his shirt for the sake of his dignity but he was like he don't mind, The black coat he was wearing showing how much grace he have as the pants he's wearing sucking out his legs as there's no tomorrow, The silver wrist watch was shinning in his tattooed hand as I lower my head, it was weird....

Me and him are alone in this room and I could feel his burning gaze over me, it's all silent just a little orange light of little lamp was illuminating the darkness of the room and just the sound of breathing, It feel so wrong, I immediately stood while looking down.....

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