Chapter 22.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.22•°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Taehyung". I whispered his name while wrapping my arms around his figure, My eyes shed extreme tears and I was breathing with my heavy sobs, not caring that there are students around me or not, it's only matter and it's Taehyung, I felt his hands on my shoulder as I wide my eyes when he pushed me aggressively making my back to hit the lockers with an extreme sound and cause me pain but I didn't felt it.....

With my wide teary eyes I was looking into his eyes, his eyes are no longer the same, I used to read his eyes and I always saw extreme, pouring Love for me, this time his eyes looks so cold, so cold and somehow I saw sorrowness in his eyes along with hate, hate and his hidden wrath.....

"Tae". I whispered again with my frozen body as I watched his lips curving up, I never saw that mischievous grin on his face and he looks so scary. "Yeah Mrs. Jeon?!". He asked as he mocked and the way he gritted his teeth made my heart to broken, what happened?! He never was like that! Is he playing with me?! But it ain't fun! "Taeh-".

"Don't call my name from your filthy mouth". The sterness in his voice made my eyes to went extreme tears as I felt pain in my chest, inside my heart, there were so many cracks in my heart as it was still remain and didn't broke just cause it was waiting for Taehyung and now it clearly broke up and I could listen to the shattering sound of it's breaking like a glass. "Tae what happened-". I extended my hand to hold his face but he step back and hold my wrist as I felt pain by his hold, It felt like he would crush my veins and bones under his hold.....

I watched his smirk as he jerked my hand with a force making me to fall on the ground as I was just like a mannequin, I just can't figure out what is happening, is it a nightmare or what?! Cause Taehyung never was like that! He never was, it must be a nightmare and I want to wake up soon....

"Manipulated bitch". He spat as I closes my teary eyes making tears to drool down on the ground, I listen to the whispers of the students but I don't care about anyone when it comes to Taehyung, what happened to him, he wasn't like that, I remembers when Taehyung used to wrap himself around me whenever I need him, and I need him now, the most, then why now he backed away?! Is he scared?! Or-or he loaths me too?! No! No it can't be! Taehyung ain't like that I believes him and he trusts me, there must be an misunderstanding......


"Y/n, please stop crying". Lisa tried to calm me down but it was so hard and after when I recall myself in front of Lisa, it really was so hard.  "I-I just don't know Lisa an-and Taehyung, Taehyung! I don't know what's happening". I burst out into Lisa's arms as she caressed my back in order to calm me down, she hold my shoulders and pulled me, She cupped my face as I was sobbing and hiccuping while my lashes were low, she wipes my tears and face....

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