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So finally the book is completed, it was a nice Journey with ya'll, I found so many nice people here and thank ya'll for supporting me.

Feel yourself like a survival cause you've finished it while so many reader left it between cause this book was so dark, it ain't a Dark Romance I wanna clarify, It ain't!

Through this book I told the journey of a rape victom, this book was so tiggering I know it was.

This book was about how everyone just pushed when a girl is raped, how everyone just blames her and never even looked at the man who did that, even when the girl tries to seek justice through Police, they also made her feel pathetic and when she tries to go to Media they made it worse.

60% Rape victims just shut thier mouths in the name of dignity where 38% Rape victims got to Marry thier own Rapists and only 2% Rape victims gain justice, where I guess 90% just suicide by the criticism, I showed the victims who are in the 38% list, the worst of them all! That's why the story name was ||Marry Your Rapist||.

I also got hate by this book cause I touched the most sensitive topic ever, some also told me that I tired to romantise rape where I tired my best not to but I'm not saying that I'm the best, imma human and even if I did the mistake, I apologise for that, I tried my best to mirror a rape victim's life, it was traumatising I know so only mature ones can understand this book where other will hate.

Through this book I got to listen to many of my readers story and many of them told me their stories and I hear them, sometimes I was even stunned to even reply to them cause I was just lost of my words and I didn't had any courage to reply back them but I've read everyone and believe me I once even cried more, Don't be ashamed of telling your own story, don't be but be proud of your own that you survived and always gain courage, a girl should've to be strong, strong enough to fight.

This book wasn't based upon my Fantasy but You wanna know how I got the idea of writing this sensitive topic, I once was watching YouTube reels and a reel came, it was a news that a minor Afghanistani girl got to marry her uncle who raped her, my eyes went teary watching the girl sitting with her Rapist, her face was down as she ashamed and trying so hard not to cry, she lifted her eyes and I don't know but I saw the pain in her eyes, I don't know how did she survived but then I thought of writing a story about it, I don't know her story so I made my own.

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