Chapter 4.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.04•°*"˜.•°*"˜

I was feeling so weird nowadays plus it was the last day of my school and the summer vacations are also up, so I walked with my uniform on, to my peace zone I mean library, When I reached inside the lady on the reception smiled as I bowed at her, I walked forward to the stacks as I closes my eyes feeling the smell of the book which Hides so many mysteries of stories, I sniffed making my nostrils to fill with the paper fragrance, I smiled and walked towards the stacks of the books....

I wanted to read the book of my favourite author bangtan_bixh  as I pouted when her book was on the height so I looked around and hold a stool, I carefully stood on it spreading my arms, preventing myself from not to fall as I smiled when I made it perfectly but still the book was on a bit height, I pursuade my lips as I smiled when my hand was about to reach when I lifted my toes but my eyes widen made me to gasp when I lost my balance, I clenched my eyes when I made myself ready to let the hard floor embracing and hurting my bones but that didn't come....

Instead I felt soft hands holding my waist and embracing me in warm arms, I opened my left eye and peaked as I saw a man who smiled at me made me to gulp when his deep dimples came in sight, I blinked my eyes as I gulped when he carefully made me to stand on my feet made me to bite my lower lip in confusion....

"Th-thanks Ajushhi"

I said as I immediately ran to the other side by the most embarrassing moment that just happened!....


He throw his car keys on the table as he walked towards his fridge to drink some water smiling like a fool, making his dimple to deeper then the ocean as he jerked his face back when he heard his best friend calling him....

"Namjoon!"   When his friend calls his name he smiled and walked towards him.....

"Seokjin-ahh how are you buddy!" he smiled and handshake with him...

"I'm amazing wait! Are you blushing?!". Seokjin asked made his smile to fade as he touched his cheeks with an pale face...

"Wa-wait I'm not!"

"Wait you just became pale as soon as I asked you, now don't be shy and tell who she is!"

Jin asked as Namjoon looked down with an shy look, Jin is with him when they were in elementary school and he knows him well, Namjoon never get into girls as firstly he always focus on his studies, he was a book worm after that his hard work colored his life and hold his father's successful business in an very short period of time, after that he just higher his company and nothing, none girl ever could attract him, all are body showing, gold diggers, and pervert he never found a girl that he has been looking for from the past years.....

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