Chapter 21.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.21•°*"˜.•°*"˜

"And don't ever bite these lips, I only have the right to fuck them"

I jerked his hand from my chin as he chuckled darkly. "Still didn't accept it". He said with an smirk as I watched his evil grin with my teary eyes, I don't want my eyes to get teary but I don't know why they just went teary. "I won't ever". I growled as he hold my Jaws in an painful way. "I will fuck you to the edge that you'll beg for me". I gulped while tears were coming.....

"Keep dreaming". I again said in my stern voice, I'm gaining the courage I don't know how, I know that there's no escape but at least I could fight for myself, I should do it, for me, Myself and especially for Taehyung, I know he's waiting for me and I lost my everything I don't care about anything, no more I just only care about Taehyung and that's the biggest reason that I hadn't lost myself and kept on fighting.....

I winced by the grip of his on my Jaws as it was getting worse then ever made me to hold his wrist in order to get him away but before, he jerked me hardly on the bed made me to bounce, before I could get up he hovered above me made me to push him but guess he's way more heavier then I always expected. "Leave me". I cried as I gasped when his hand slides to my upper thigh, I clenched his cloth from his shoulder as he buried his face into my crook.

"You're a monster and I hate you". I said with tears as he smirked like I praised him so good, he smirked leaving wet kisses as his middle finger made circles on my clit, My eyes went teary at how easily I went wet by his little touch, made me ashamed of my own.....

"But your body says that you fucking want me *Hiss* so fucking wet"

He pulled his head back and looked at me with his mischievous grin as he hold my hands which was pushing him back, He pinned my hands above my head, I really wanted to spit on his face again so badly but it only will make the things more worse, I tried to kick my legs while screaming him to let go of me as he easily pulled my dress out of my body leaving me naked made me to cry.....

He hold my legs and spread them wide made me to jerk my head, he bite on his lips as I closes my eyes by the disgusting sound of him stroking himself, A scream left my mouth when he shove himself into me made my eyes to roll back, I arches my back when he starts to pound into me, I hold the sheets as moans showing the pain escapes out of my mouth......

He hit the most ecstatic point made me to lose "Squirt my bee". Like my body was waiting for him to order, as I Squirt badly, I looked at the ceiling while being ashamed that I again lost the battle with my body, with the needs that my body holds, with the desires that body body does, and at how my body reacts and felt so good with him and when he does, it makes me hate at my own so bad, I closes my eyes as Taehyung's face came as I whispers his name like a prayer..

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