Chapter 19.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.19•°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Lisa, I'm just so curious, I want to know about her, she's not answering my any call, her phone is off, I'm just so worried"

Taehyung said as Lisa nodded. "Yeah I'm also worried about her, we should go and cheak on her" Taehyung nodded with misty eyes as Lisa hold his shoulder and gave him a supportive squeeze. "She'll be alright don't worry". Lisa said as she hold her bag and they both went to your house, Lisa sigh as she climbed out of his bike and looked at him.....

"I'll take her out with me ok!" Taehyung nodded as Lisa hold her bags strap, she was somehow worried that cause she don't know what she's gonna encounter, there's must he a reason that you had cut all your contacts and that things made her worried more, She placed her finger on the button made the bell to rang, She took a breath as the door opened......

"Greetings Aunt". She said while maintaining her smile as your mom gave her a faint smile not the usual one. "Come dear". Lisa walks in as she looked around and was about to walk upstairs to your mom but her voice made her to stop. "Where are you going". She asked as Lisa nervously smiled. "To.... Y/n". She said while holding her bags strap even more tight in nervousness. "She's not here". She gulped as she felt shivers.....

"Wh-why she's not here". She asked while coming forwards, there was a weird silence as your mother's eyes went teary. "Cause she's married". Lisa's body frozen as she wide her eyes, she ran to her and hold her arms. "Wha-what are you even saying". Your mother looked at her wide eyes with her teared up and nodded with her quivering lips. "Wi-with who-whom". Lisa asked while being scared as her voice cracked and words weren't even coming. "Je-Jeon Jungkook". Your mother broke into her arms and here Lisa felt froze, it all just felt like a nightmare, she couldn't just believe on her ears by the phrase that she just listened.....

Taehyung was playing with a rock on the street with his foot as he could feel his heartbeat to see Y/n after a while, he couldn't forget the night when he slept with you, His heart ached at how you were terrified, how soft you were, how tiny and fragile you were in his embrace, how you were comfortable in his arms, it all just made him bloom till the core.....

He immediately looked up with an smile but his smile added when he saw Lisa coming alone with her slow walks like her knees are weak to even walk, She walked to him as Taehyung panicked to saw her eyes teary. "Where's Y/n?!" He asked as Lisa's lips quivered due to holding her cry made Taehyung hold her shoulder and shook her. "I asked where's her?!". He said with a higher voice as she shook her head. "Tae-Taehyung, ju-just cool down and don-dont panic"

"Just the fuck tell me where is she". He said with a sterness in his voice as Lisa clenched her fists. "She-She's married". Taehyung felt a pang in his heart as his body weight felt like feather that he would collapse at any soon, Lisa immediately caught his arm not to make him stumble. "She-she what! Yo-you're joking right?!".

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