Chapter 26.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.26•°*"˜.•°*"˜

I opened my heavy eyes as I higher my face made my breath to stop when I watched Jungkook already staring at me. "Good Morning bee". I gulped as I made a little distance. "Morning"  I hissed when I was about to sat by the soreness between my legs as Jungkook immediately sat and hold me to make me sat, I looked back at him...

"I'll just pour the tub". He said and smiled as he went to bathroom, I rest my head at the headboard as I stare at nowhere, I just can't believe it that I did it with him, I didn't protest, I didn't stop him, I didn't beg him to stop, I didn't even scream or yell, I don't know why, maybe I'm now used to it....

Also there are lots of reasons, I used to protest and beg him for Taehyung, I used to disgust cause I wanted Taehyung and felt like cheating on him, and now he's gone now The touch which always blooms me actually now disgusted me to the core, when Taehyung touched me, it felt like the beginning when Jungkook touched me for the first, how disgustiled I was, I felt the same now and with the person, Taehyung which I always felt comfort and safeness, which only disgusted now....

And the person which always disgusts me now is the person that I recently cried, allowed him, told him that he's the only guy, felt him, Jungkook was so soft with me as he was so gentle, he wasn't in rush as he always used to, it felt like he was feeling me and wants me to feel him, My eyes went teary when I always used to curse me when my body never cooperates with my mind and last night my mind actually cooperate with my body and I felt him when he was doing it with me, I immediately wiped my tears when Jungkook walked towards me....

"I'll hold you" Jungkook hold me in his arms as he lift me in an bridal style, I kept on watching him when he was walking to the bathroom, he made me sit inside the bathtub as he also went in, He wrapped his arms around me from back as I rest my head on his chest....

"Y/n". I hummed as he removed my hairs from my neck and gently placed a kiss made my eyes to close as a tear rolled down. "Y/n I'm sorry". I jerked my head back at him as he apologised me, I guess it's for the first time he said sorry to someone. "Wh-wha-

"I know what I did was wrong, beyond the word wrong, now I want to do everything well and nice, I'll take my son back and we all will spend our remain life like a real family, Y/n it has been 8 years since JungSeok lost his mother, after her I never felt everything the same, it was only me and JungSeok but now! Now I felt a spark I was a broken family and now I could feel it that it'll be a family, again". He confessed as my heast beat went fast, I closes my eyes when Jungkook wrapped his hand around me tummy as kissed my shoulder softly. "I want you Y/n, I've gave you enough pain and now I wants to sooth it".


I opened the drawer to watch the pregnancy control pills as Jungkook last night didn't wore any protection, I always feels chills whenever I hold these pills in my hand. "What are you eating". Jungkook asked while coming to me as I froze. "The-these are Preg-pregnancy control pi-pills".

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