Chapter 35.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.35•°*"˜.•°*"˜




Jin and Rosé came running inside the hospital as they saw Namjoon seated on the bench, he was having little Lisa in his arms, her cheeks was having liquid of blood, his hands were shivering and were painted with blood he's shirt was washed in the dark colour of blood as his eyes were shot red and were shedding tears.

"Joon!". Jin called his name as he jerked his eyes at Jin, he cried even more harder and here JungSeok was sitting on the ground while buring his head in his knees and hugging them, Rosé gulped and with her trembling feet she walked towards JungSeok, she crouched down as she softly tapped his arms and his head to make him look at her. Rosé's eyes went more teary when he looked at her with his teared up eyes and swollen face cause of extreme cries, he immediately wrapped his arms around her neck and just hugged her so tightly as she could feel his figure shivering. "Hey, shh, shhh little champion". He nodded with his sobs.

"Where's Jungkook!". Jin asked as Namjoon looked down at Little Lisa who was sleeping in his arms, Namjoon turned his neck to JungSeok who was hugging Rosé while crying harder, he turned his head at Jin and with quivering lips and shedding eyes he shook his head made Jin to gulp. "Is she alright, is she hurt?!". Jin asked while looking at little Lisa who was wrapped in the blanked in Namjoon's arms. "She's alright she's not hurt, it's just blood on her cheek".

Jin looked at the emergency room as his eyes teard up. "Y/n?!". Namjoon burst into a cry. "I don't know! I don't know anything! I don't know what happened!". Namjoon cried so hard as Jin hugged him as he broke into the hug making Jin to caressed his back while controlling his tears cause if Jin also starts to shed tears then who would wipe Namjoon's tears.....

Sometime later the doctor came making Namjoon, Jin and Rosé while having little Lisa in her arms, all ran to him. "How's she?! Is she fine?!". The doctor sigh and pulled down his mask. "The cut on her wrist is just so deep, she lost so much blood of her, we sealed her cut but we can't say if she could wake up any soon". He just said and walked as Namjoon fell on the ground, he hold his head. "If I reached any sooner then anything like that would ever happened!". He cried so hard as JungSeok was shivering with his teared eyes while looking at the scenery in front of him.....


I opened my eyes as I was in a garden, I gulp as I starts to look around, I looked at the sky as it was so clear made me to smile. Am I in heaven?! "My child". My smiled dropped as I listen to the deep voice, I jerked my head back. "Dad!". I ran to my dad who was stood like some miles away, I stumbled as I fell down but it didn't bothered me, It's the perfect surprise for my sins I guess, my eyes was kept on my dad who was wearing a long white cloth, reached to her foot, his arms was spread for me and was smiling like he's so happy, I want to run to him, my real Father, I stood again as I just ran with all my might while wiping down my tears again and again which was making my vision blurry.....

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