Chapter 20.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.20•°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Mrs. Jeon, Little Master is here". As soon as the maid said these words an unknown smile formed on my lips that had forgotten to even curve, I immediately stood as I walked down, I smiled listening to his giggling sound as I walked more down and my eyes sparkled to saw his tiny back. "JungSeok".

As I called he immediately turned back and gasped as he ran to me, I crouched down on my knees as he wrapped his tiny, soft arms around my neck and hugged me and I did the same, I missed him alot, I don't know but somehow now the feel is different, last time when I met him it was a different feel, he was different, he was just a stranger but now he just felt like a missing piece of mine, like he's mine.....

"I missed you so much Noona". I smiled as he pecked on my cheek made me to giggle. "I missed you too". I said as I ruffled his hairs, I was so into him that I didn't noticed that there's another presence stood here as he cleared his throat, by the sudden sound I flinched badly. "Uncle Joon bought me here".

Namjoon's POV:

I cleared my throat just to gain the attention but I had no intention to scared her just by a little sound she flinched badly, I gulped as I could feel my eyes becoming misty, She stood from the ground as she bowed at me, I smiled looking at her, she's so tiny and so fragile, I chuckled by the thought that she barely comes to my arm, she's just so tiny....

She higher her face and my smile faded to saw her, I remembered the moment I met her in the library, at that moment she looks the most happiest girl on the earth, when I hold her in my arms, are crimson cheeks and now her face is pale like all of her blood is drained from her body, she looks slender then ever, her eyes, they were so dreamy I remembers, but now they looks puffy maybe due to the exesive cry and there are wide dark circles around her swollen eyes......

My eyes averted to her lips, I remembered they were so pink and somehow juicy but now they're dried as chips are on it, I could see a cut on her lips and they're bit swollen too, My fists turns into a ball as I felt my blood boils that what Jungkook could have do to her, force her in every horrible ways, I wish I could save her but I can't, at least not now but the way I saved Jungseok I promise you Y/n, I'll save you too....

"How are you Y/n"

I higher my face as he calls me softly, I narrowed my eyes that I guess I've seen him somewhere but wait! "How'd you know my name?!". He chuckled as he smiled, he's cheeks formed a beautiful dimple on his cheek as I wide my eyes, tried hard but couldn't remember, I guess I might have seen him or met him....

"You forgot, we've met before". My eyebrows crushed as I went into am deep thought as I shook my head. "I-I don't remember I guess". He chuckled, his soft melody melts into my ears as beautiful dimples formed on his milky cheeks. "Remember in the library, you were about to fall so I caught you". He said while scratch long the back of his head as I gasped remembering that how much embarrassing that moment was as I chuckled.....

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