Chapter 6.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.06•°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Just bang her already"

As soon as the words slipped from his mouth making my whole existence to shaken, I felt numb, while looking down the grip of my fingers around the door kobe went low as my tears rolled down from my cheek and I know that something bad is surely going to happened and the most horrible part is that I'm not even capable of stopping them.....

I screamed when two arms wrapped around my waist from back and lifted me making me to kick my legs in the air, My teary eyes watched Mr. Jeon sitting on the couch like a king, spreading his legs, resting his body back, as he hold the glass of wine in his hand and smirked watching me back, I jolted when Jimin throw me on the couch as my breath fasten when he removed his coat while biting his lower lip furiously as I turned my head and watched Mr. Jeon sipping his wine.....

"No, let go". I cried while he higher my arms making him to sat over me as he hold my wrists and apart them making my eyes to wide. "Don't make it hard". He said as I jerked my teary eyes at him and saw his eyes glistening with excitement making my breath to went more hard as my chest pounded up and down making him to hiss while looking at my chest....

"Fvxk, that's the best thing about teenage girls". He lickes his lower lip and looked at my chest like a hungry lion as I closed my eyes, can't stand his dirty gaze over me as I tried my best to jerk my wrists from his grip but yet it was the hardest thing to do since he's double, I guess triple in power.....

I wide my eyes when he hold my shirt from the collar as my breath went more fasten this I watched his eyes glued on my chest, I cried and starts to jerk my head when he stretched my collar down making it to tore and my soul had left my body when the half of my chest Revealed in front of his lustful eyes, my bare arm was in view and I saw the sparkle glistening in his eyes to saw my lacy black bra wearing.....

With his wild drooling expressions he jerked his eyes at Mr. Jeon who was watching everything with excitement as I choked on my own when Jimin chuckled "Kook, it's your favourite colour" I breath hard as I closes my eyes, a huge gasp left my lips when Jimin dipped his fingers in my cleavage cut as I tried to jerk my hands from his grip but it was unbelievable, My whole body trembled when I heard Mr. Jeon chuckling as he stood made me to froze.....

I heard Jimin's chuckle as my eyes travelled with Mr. Jeon's figure coming to me, my breath fasten as my protest went more harder while looking at him, his eyes were bored just right into my chest while cause of heavy breath it was dancing in up and down with the rhythm of my breaths....

I closes my eyes when he stood in front of us, A huge Gasp left my body as I felt extreme chills, I almost jumped but cause of Jimin's grip I couldn't move even a bit when Mr. Jeon poured his cold red grape wine on my chest, the cold strings of the wine travelled to my cleavage also on shoulder following to the ground made me to cry harder, I felt vulnerable, they're litrelly playing with me in which they're having extreme fun, their chuckles and laughs was ringing in my ear driving me crazy......

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