Chapter 11.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.11•°*"˜.•°*"˜

Jimin kept on calling Jungkook but no answer as he went inside his house, Jungkook have given him the spare key of his house cause he like his own hyung, sometimes when Jungkook had to go overseas so Jimin used to come home for to take or spend time with Jungseok.....

There's nothing apart from Jimin and he have the whole authority of his privacy cause he just trusts him alot, he's with him since his childhood and when Jungkook's father died he gave the responsibility of Jungkook to Jimin even if he's just one year older then him but Jungkook sees him as a right Hyung.....

But Jimin never behaved like a real Hyung, he never stopped him from what is bad for him even he himself was nothing but a bad influence to Jungkook and he always beside him, be at his side at every sin of Jungkook, Jungkook's wife died cause of Jungkook's own mistake but instead of scolding and stop his growing desires Jimin didn't did anything such like that.....

Going to Jungkook's room isn't something odd for him as he casually walked to his room but he Gasped watching a girl laying lifelessly on the bed while the sheets were covering her body, but not even much helping, the sheet was higher to her left knee, revealing her left milky leg while it was off from her shoulders revealing how much abused she is from the marks on her soft yet milky skin.....

Jimin jerked his head as he bite his lower lip in amusement, he listens to the splashing sound of water from the bathroom as he get to know that Jungkook is inside, he smirked and walked towards the lifeless figure, the hairs on her face was hiding her beauty along with her identity....

Jimin climbed on the bed with excitement in his whole body he removed the hairs from her face as he Gasped with wide eyes, a chuckle filled with amusement left his mouth as he just couldn't believe at his eyes that it's no one but Y/n....

"Holy fuck". He cursed with an excitment as he let his hand out and touched your milky, soft cheek as he furrowed to see crimsom fingerprint covering your cheek, he touched it with his fingertips as he bite on his lower lip, he trailed his fingers from your cheeks to your jawline, his lips curved into an grin when he touched your neck, his grin went more wide when he touched your collar bones with his fingers as he gulped making his Adams apple to bobble up and down when he touched your cleavage cut and dipped his finger more inside, inside the sheet.....

You were still unaware from the things happening to you, the touch, touching you as you were still hadn't woke up, Jimin smirked but he flinched hardly as he went back his hand immediately when the door opened, he looked back at Jungkook who was looking at him in surprise, he was in his bathrobe and drying his hair with his one hand but seems like he stopped when he saw Jimin on the bed with you.....

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