Chapter 14.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.14•°*"˜.•°*"˜

Lisa made me comfortable in her home, I hissed in pain while sitting on the couch, as I looked at my hands, She walks to me and gave me a glass of water as I took, I couldn't even gulped down the water. "Now tell me who was that?!". She asks while placing her hand over mine as I looked at her with my eyes filled with tears and my quivering lips.....

"Was it some bodyguard of Jungkook?! Or any other employe?!". I looked down at her question as I let out a faint chuckle at how his clean image never let him be the suspect in sight. "It-It was him". He blinked her eyes. "Who?!". I was about to open my mouth and let his disgusting name out of my mouth but before the bell rang as she looked at me, stood and walks towards the door, she opened the door as my breath stopped to saw the person coming inside.....

"Taehyung". I whispered his name as it's a prayer of mine, I was even afraid to name him cause I'm just so dirty and Unholy right now, I clenched my frock as I saw his feet coming towards me, I thought he'll say the things about me that I deserve, I only deserve curse and shit but I wide my eyes when he wrapped his arms around my body and engulfed me into his warm hug......

I gulped and closes my eyes as I also wrapped my weak arms around him, I listen to his soft sobs, I gulped as he broke the hug and hold my shoulders, his teary eyes went on my cheek as I saw his eyes burning in anger made my soul to tremble, what is he going to do?! Will he blame me! Is he going to hit me?! Is he going to curse me?!

He touched my cheek in which I had fingerprint of his hand, the sudden touch made me flinch as he gritted his teeth. "Who was he?!". It feels like my words are tied into my throat, his voice is stern, he's in anger, I'm afraid what if he leaves me!

"I-I want you to break up". I managed to speak as I watched his eyes large, he gritted his Jaws and gosh it's scary, I saw his pale colour turning red as veins on his neck popped up. "Just tell me who the fuck was he". He asked as I looked down, holding my sobs, I'm afraid I don't know from what but I'm afraid, I'm ashamed, it's all my fault, he had warned me but I didn't listen, he surely will blame me, The thoughts made me to sob.....

"Tae, it doesn't ma-matter now, I'm not the same, I-I don't deserve-deserve you now, I-I know you'll loath me like I'm doing right now, I-I can't forgive myself and I know you does the same-

I Gasped as I felt my breath stop when again Taehyung held me in his arms, in his warm hug as he caressed my hairs. "I'm with you babe, I'm always here, I know there's not your fault and it never was, I'm here with you, I'm not gonna leave you nor you gonna leave me, we'll go together and will report him but you gotta first tell me who is he"

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