Chapter 34.

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˜"*°•.˜"*°• 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗.34•°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Mr. Jeon, he's Jung Hoseok, my bestie, he's really good at hacking". Jungkook nodded when Yoongi introduced his friend "Track my wife as soon as possible". Jungkook said in an dangerous tone as Hoseok nodded and opened his laptop. "I want her number" Jungkook gave him your number as he starts to locate your phone. "Dang! Her last location is library, after it, it's no showing!".

"Ughhh FUCKING FUCK!". Jungkook groaned and screamed as he throw the glass on the ground, he hold his hairs in frustration. "We'll locate her don't worry, She's strong enough". Jungkook closes his eyes as his tears rolled down, his man looked at themselves cause that was the first time they watch him crying. "Jimin! jinIN! That FUCKING BASTARD! I'm giving you his number, locate him!". Hoseok nodded as he starts to trace his number. "It's something far from the city".

"It's where his farmhouse is". Jungkook said while looking at the location made  Yoongi to gulp. "Mr. Jeon I don't know but I guess you should also Locate Taehyung's, I don't believe him either". Jungkook nodded as Hoseok traced his location. "Dang! Taehyung's and Jimin's location are same!". Hoseok said as he looked at Jungkook who clenched his fists making his knuckles to turn white!

Jungkook closes his eyes when he saw Rosé calling him. " Jungkook! Jimin isn't attending my calls, is he with you?!". Jungkook gulped. "Rosé I'm sending a driver just come, we've to go somewhere". "But where Jungkook?!". Her voice seems tensed as Jungkook fisted his palms. "To see your husband".


My blood ran cold as I couldn't even felt my own breath, I gasped as I placed my palm on my tummy when I felt a kick, I closes my eyes making tears to roll down. I promise you Mommy will keep you safe!.

"Don't you dare to do anything to my baby! Do anything to me like whatever you wants to but my baby! Let my baby don't evolve in your shit! Kill me, stab me cause nothing more now left, Do anything you please but don't ever touch my baby, I swear *Hiccup* I swear if you did anything to my baby I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!". I cried harder as Taehyung immediately stood.

"Jimin I want to have some words with you". Jimin stood as he starts to follow him, I gulped as I closes my teary eyes while holding my baby which is inside me. Mommy promised you.

"What the fuck is this Jimin!". Taehyung said while gritting his teeth as Jimin smirked. "About what?!". Taehyung bite on his inner cheek. "That fucking plan of yours". Jimin chuckled making Taehyung to clenched his fists. "You told to give Y/n to me also we didn't know that she's fucking pragnant! I don't care about it but you told Y/n to give me!-

"Chill Romeo Kim!" Jimin cut off Taehyung's speech as Taehyung's brows crushed. "It's just a threaten for that girl, just don't worry, we're not doing anything like that huh! You believe me?!" Jimin said while squeezing Taehyung's shoulder as Taehyung looked down and nodded making Jimin to smirk. "Good just like that, she must be feeling hungry let's get something for her".

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