LCK: Last minute bargain (KDF)

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Plot: Youngjae likes Sejun, Sejun also likes Youngjae, but Sejun is now engaged... but Sejun and his now fiancee formulate a plan that can let them have what they both want.
Pairing/s: Youngjae (Jungle) x Sejun (Former KDF Sup)
Genre: Crack/Angst (With happy ending?)

Youngjae is still not used to it. He's not used to waking up and not seeing Sejun around.

Sejun was KDF's former Captain, and somehow that title was passed to Youngjae and Youngjae is now sure that Woochan will own the title after joining the team.

It's not that Youngjae minded...

it's just the title reminds him of Sejun.

"Fuck this shit self I thought we're moving on!", He then scolded himself.

Youngjae washed up in the bathroom and went to the lounge to watch some television.

The door was then opened and when Youngjae looked it was Taeyoon.

"Good morning lover boy", The younger teased.

"Oh shut up!", Youngjae said as he threw a pillow towards Taeyoon's direction.

"You know he's like a call away right?", Taeyoon asked him.

Youngjae nodded but said that he has no plans on calling Sejun...

Not knowing that Taeyoon has done it for him.

"Hello, Taeyoon-ah??"

"Hi hyung!! You see, Youngjae-hyung wants to talk to you but he's too scared you see", Taeyoon said, staring directly at Youngjae.

The jungler looked mortified as he silently begged Taeyoon not to give him the phone.

"For fuck's sake stop being a coward and take the call!", Dongju then shouted, taking Taeyoon's phone and shoving it towards Youngjae's hands.

"H-hello, Sejun-hyung", Youngjae greeted.

"Hello Jae-ah... how's things going over there?"

"It's fine, everything is going quite well"

"Ahh, I see, that's good!"

"It is!!"

"I wish I could've stayed but something came up and I suddenly couldn't anymore"

"Oh yeah? We do kind of miss you being here"

"If only my parents didn't force me to marry this girl... I didn't even know I had a fiancee"

And that piece of information has shattered Youngjae's heart.

Dongju noticed the sudden mood change of the younger as he took the phone from him.

"Hey Sejun-hyung!! Sorry, have to butt in but Youngjae is needed, you can talk to him again tomorrow!!", He lied, but he had to, so he can let Youngjae cry for a bit after knowing that piece of information.

"No need, I'm actually going to visit tomorrow! See you guys then!"

"Oh good!! Okay okay, see you tomorrow as well!!", Dongju beamed and ended the call.

When Sejun arrived the next day, the others greeted him happily but Youngjae was quite distant.

"Hey buddy!", Sejun beamed, messing up Youngjae's hair.

"Hi hyung", Youngjae shyly said, and Sejun found the tone weird since Youngjae is usually upbeat.

"Don't worry about him, he stayed up until 4 am last night practicing when I told him to go to sleep!!", Woochan lied, noticing the younger jungler's look for help.

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