LCK + LJL: Leave (DRX + DFM)

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Plot: Kwanghee wakes up in the future and it shows him something he wasn't scared of before.
Pairing/s: Kwanghee (DRX Top) x Gaeul (DFM Mid)
Genre: Crack/Angst

SKZFLIX inspired AU//

Kwanghee woke up expecting it to be another normal day, but the moment he looked around he thought of one thing and one thing only...

Where the fuck was he??

This isn't his house, and as sure as hell this ain't the DRX gaming house either.

"You're late"

Kwanghee then looked towards the door where he found Gaeul standing there with disappointment written on his face.

"For what?", Kwanghee asked.

"For work dummy", the younger said, now crossing his arms.

"Oh... I think I'm in the wrong world", Kwanghee tells him.

Gaeul then starts laughing at this but then loses the laughter when he saw how confused Kwanghee truly did look.

"Hyung... we've been married for 5 years already, what do you mean you're in the wrong world??", He asked.

Kwanghee then explained everything to this world's Gaeul and he was surprised that this world's Gaeul actually believes him.

"Wait you believe me now?", Kwanghee asked, a little shocked.

"Well yeah, everything you've said... it all happened in the past, we're retired now hyung and you're working a normal office job... even if you keep complaining to me how your co-workers keep teasing you with your ign", Gaeul said.

The older suddenly was left in awe when he realized that he wasn't in another world, well not really...

But he was in the future.

"Gaeullie... how did we get together exactly? I mean, you're great and all but I wasn't really expecting you to be the one I see in this timeline", Kwanghee asked.

"22KT had a reunion, we all got drunk and you proposed, Jeongmin and the others thought it was funny so they did a whole ceremony with Woochan-hyung being the one to facilitate the wedding", Gaeul said, laughing at the memory.

"And when we both sobered up the next day, they actually created official documents that they made us sign while we were passed out", He added.

Kwanghee started laughing as well because it does sound like something that his friends would do to him.

"And we just practically went with it", Gaeul said, ending the story.

The doorbell then rang which revealed Kwanghee's friends and past teammates.

"Hello!!", Minseok greeted energetically.

The older boy smiled and gave him head pats, he knew Minseok is quite clingy to him so he let the younger hug him but he wasn't expecting him to dettach that quickly when he saw Gaeul.

"Mama Gaeul!!", the support shouted as he ran to Gaeul to give him a hug.

"Hi Minmin, you're quite happy today", The midlaner said with a smile and Minseok smiled even bigger.

"Minhyeong proposed to me, look!!"

The rest of the day was filled with excitement as they congratulated Minhyeong for finally popping the question after 7 years of dating the support.

"Well at least Minhyeong proposed properly, I heard Kwanghee over here proposed while drunk", Hyukgyu said, laughing after.

"Haha, well it worked out so I'm not even complaining", Kwanghee told the older.

"Yeah, and it was a pretty fun ceremony too!", Haram said, earning a glare from him.

"Kwanghee-hyung never thanked us though", Woochan then said.

"Y'all bitches don't deserve my thank you", Kwanghee sassed and chugged his beer.

Kwanghee went to shower after everybody left and when he was done he found Gaeul already asleep on the bed.

"Nighty-night, Gaeullie", he said and slithered next to him, falling asleep quickly.

When Kwanghee woke up, the space beside him was empty, which didn't strike him as something weird...

Until he saw the picture frames.

Yesterday it was him and Gaeul, but no it's just pictures of Kwanghee, all alone, like it was cropped suddenly but in real life.

"What the fuck?", He muttered then proceeded to grab his phone and call Jeongmin.


"Where's Gaeul?", Kwanghee asked through the phone.

"Gaeul? Who's Gaeul?"

"Stop playing with me Kim Jeongmin! Where's Gaeul? Or do you at least know where he is?", Kwanghee asked again.

"I told you hyung, I don't know who he is"

"Aish fine!", Kwanghee said and called Woochan instead.

"Do you know where Gaeul is?", The older asked.

"Hyung... Gaeul is dead"

"WHAT?! He was here yesterday! We had a sudden party here yesterday!", Kwanghee shouted.

"Hyung you must be hallucinating... Gaeul has been dead for 3 years already"

"What?! How?!", Kwanghee asked, can't believe his ears.

"You were happily married... until a sasaeng, specifically a sasaeng that claims to be crazy for you, shot him"

"Why does Jeongmin not know him though? I called him first", The older asked, making sure that his sadness isn't heard through the phone.

"Jeongmin got into an accident after hearing what happened... and for some weird reason he forgot about Gaeul"

"Ah okay, thanks Woochannie", Kwanghee said and ended the call.

Kwanghee sat alone in the bedroom and threw the nearest pillow he could get his hand on to the mirror in front of him in anger.




He thought he was by himself though, until he looked towards his left and saw Gaeul sitting there.

"I'm so sorry hyungie", The soul of the younger muttered.

Kwanghee then began crying as he threw himself towards the dead boy, finding his cold temperature, comforting somehow.

The next time Kwanghee woke up he was back at reality, but what happened to him the past two days clearly upset him...

but at least in his timeline, Gaeul was still alive.

Kwanghee then grabbed his phone and dialed Gaeul's number...

And to his relief, the younger picks up the call.

"Hey hyung, how are you?"

"I'm doing great, hopefully you are too... I missed you"

"Aww, I missed you too"

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