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P.o.v. Tina:

       - You shouldn't be on your phone, we need to keep watch.

       - I'm talking to my new girl, leave me alone!

       - If someone dies, I'm gonna blame you.

       He's stupid. Has a new girl every week. Really sweet in the beginning, always texting and giving little presents but they all go away after a week, wonder why. Probably because he's oh so gentle and caring, such a nice guy!

       I wouldn't know. He tried to hit on me, but I rejected him, so now he always treats me poorly when we're alone. Overly aggressive and stupid. Even going as far as to make a little comment here and there when we have company. Some of my colleagues are aware of that, but they don't even know half of it. I plan to keep it this way.

       - My girl, Tina! When does your shift end? - I'm approached by another colleague.

       - In about one hour and a half, why?

       - My girl and I are going to the water, do you want to come? I was thinking we could surf for a bit.

       - And be a third wheel? No, thanks Patrick, I'll pass.

       - You could call that girl Nudee and the other... Engfa, is it? - I nodded. - We surf and they can get to know each other. I bet they feel lonely here, you're always working.

       - A bit, but someone has to work. They might want to come, and your girl seemed nice the last time we met.

       - She is. She's the best! You know... for what she told me... one of her friends might be playing in your league.

       - I'm not looking for a girlfriend, Patrick.

       - They're pretty tho. Not as much as Ma, but they're good looking too. I'm gonna ask her to bring them.

       - Please don't.

       - You're no fun, Tina. Always stopping me from playing cupid! But whatever, they won't come, maybe some other time. Your friends can talk with Ma and play on the water for a bit as they watch how sexy we look while surfing.

       - Maybe Marima will think that, but I bet, and I hope, none of my friends will think that about me.

       - Oh, with a body like yours I bet they'll be drooling! Every girl wants a piece of Tina! ...Except Marima, she cannot have it.

       - Relax, I'm not gonna steal your girl.

       - I know, you're too nice for that.

       - Stupid.

       - It's settled then. Meet me in two hours by the café. I've gotta go. There's a problem with some seagull.

       - Bye bye for now!

       - See you!

       He ran away. He's one of my favourite colleagues. Today he isn't working on watch, just helping with some problems around the beach and first aid when needed. What leaves me with... Kevin, the bastard who's currently sitting next to me. A Thai-British man with green eyes, too much muscle for his own good and an ego bigger than his pectorals. His hair is light brown, his eyes greenish and the hairs he thinks make a beard looking like pubes on his ugly face.

       - Dyke.

       - I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.

       - Dyke.

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