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P.o.v. Tina:

       - I can't believe you left me!

       - I know, I'm sorry but your sister told me to!

       - Who are you dating, me or my sister?

       - You…

       - Let's make a deal. Now you have to do everything I tell you to or you won't get my forgiveness. - She pouted and I was about to kiss her, but she put her finger on my lips. - Not so soon. You have to win me again.

       - Didi… - It was my time to pout.

       - Don't Didi me. They saw everything!

       - Well… I pecked your lips, you were the one who kissed me.

       - I already know that, but that's not the point. My sisters saw everything, but that's not the worst part, my mother probably saw it too! Because she was washing the dishes and told Chili that I was at  door, Chili went to look through the window, saw me kissing you and then heard things falling in the kitchen! Pretty heard the sound and saw Chili at the window so she went to see what it was too!

       - So… your mother saw us and then broke the dishes?

       - I don't know, she didn't comment directly on anything but she spent the night making little jokes so she probably saw it and was so shocked that she let everything fall!

       - That's funny.

       - That's fucking embarrassing! If it was just my mom it wouldn't be so weird, but when I woke up my father and Nuky started with the jokes too! Where did Nuky even come from? He wasn't even home last night! Chili and Pretty it's a thing because they tell me everything about their life's, well... Chilli doesn't, but the whole family? If I don't start receiving texts from Denmark asking me about the kiss I'm lucky!

       - So dramatic!

       - I can't have privacy even outside the house! - She pouted again.

       - Control your urges and you won't have to explain anything again.

       - How am I supposed to control myself when I like you so much? - Butterflies. - You can't tell me not to kiss you if you're gonna look so cute everytime! - I tried to kiss her again but she avoided it. - No no. I get to decide when and if you kiss me tonight. You're still not forgiven.

       This went on for the beginning of our night. We are spending it at Pat and Ma's house, just hanging out with everyone. I haven't kissed her even once today and I'm really craving her. For some reason I think that's what she wants. She's teasing. She has been teasing, touching and cuddling me all night but as soon as I move or try to do it back, she stops. It's so frustrating.

       - Are we playing games or what?

       - Patrick and I can't drink. We have work tomorrow.

       - Not every game has to involve alcohol.

       - Yeah, we can play truth or dare without drinking, but if that's so everyone has to do the dares!

       - Nah nah nah. I'm not playing truth or dare with y'all again!

       - Why? Are you scared Heidi?

       - Do you remember what you had me doing last time?

       - Well… you didn't do anything. Tina did.

       - Still! Do you remember what Tina did to me!?

       - We got you a girlfriend and you are arguing! - I don't comment on the girlfriend thing, but Heidi does.

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