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        - Where the fuck am I and who the fuck are you!?

       - Good morning to you too, Heidi. Don't scream please, my head is pounding.

       - Have I been run over by a train?

       - Almost.

       - Really?

       - No.

       - What happened and why am I... in your room? Is this your room?

       - Yep. - I was about to continue but she didn't let me.

       - Did we...?

       - We...?

       - Hum... forget it. What happened to my clothes?

       - I wouldn't let you sleep in your dirty dress from yesterday.

       - No, seriously, did we?

       - I thought you had a boyfriend?

       - I have but... I don't remember anything from yesterday... I didn't do anything stupid, did I?

       - I'll tell you everything, but drink some water first, please.

       - I believe I heard that a lot yesterday.

       - See? You're starting to remember.

       - Not really.

       - How do you feel? 

       - Horrible.

       - More detailed. Please. - I'm worried about the effects the drug might still be having on her body.

       - My head is pounding, my body hurts, my stomach hurts, I'm thirsty and my mouth is dry, I feel tired, I'm dizzy and the lights are killing me.

       - Very specific.

       - You literally asked for it.

       - Right, right. I can't make it stop hurting, but I can fix the light. - I get up and my head feels heavy, shouldn't have drank so much, I just hope I don't throw up. I get to the windows and pull the blackout down, turning the led lights on purple. For some reason I think she likes purple. - Is this better?

       - A lot. The LEDs... a bit sluty but I like it.

       - Did you just...!? Ok, ok, I won't comment. Do you want to sit up?

       - My body hurts too much.

       - I know... but you need to take that pill for it to stop hurting... Marima must have left it here with the water.

       - I don't want to...! Let me sleep a bit more...! - She whined. Cute.

       - I will, but after you take the pill and drink your water.

       - You're not my mother, you know. - I bite myself not to tell the mommy joke.

       - Let me help you.

       If I'm feeling bad, I know she's feeling horrible. I ask for permission with my eyes and she nods. Putting my hand on the back of her head, the other on her side I pull her a bit. When I'm able to put my hand on her back I hold her there for a bit as I put pillows on her back to make sitting a bit less awful.

       - Thanks... What's your name?

       - Tina.

       - Thanks, Tina. Can you tell me why I'm here, because I mean... I don't even know you... or I didn't before.

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