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*Mature content*

P.o.v. Heidi:

       Tina pressed me against the table and I pulled her to me by the necktie. I undid the last button of her button up shirt and she pressed her chest to mine, that was already naked. It sent shivers down my back. I'm already completely turned on just by the thought of what we're about to do on my office.

       In one swift movement she sits me on the table, accidentally throwing important papers and our portrait to the ground, but I couldn't care less right now. I felt her lips on my neck and I threw my head back. She's taking this slow but I honestly just want her to hurry. The door is locked but what if one of my employees needs me? What if someone comes here and sees or hears anything?

       Her teeth on my neck pulled me out of those thoughts. I whimpered as she pulled the skin. Gosh. I descended my hands on her body until I reached the buttons, quickly undoing them and pulling her pants down, but she didn't let me do anything else. She just pulled my pants and I jumped a bit to let her take them off. She slowly put her lips on my nipple and sucked on it lightly. I tried not to moan, but it was impossible. With her hand she massaged the other one. I bit my lip when her warm lips touched my other nipple, trying to suppress the new moan that was coming.

       - Don't keep them to you, Heidi. I want you to moan my name.

       And I did. It felt so good that I did it again, and again and again. Especially when her lips went down my body, licking, sucking and nibbling on it. My breath got caught when she kissed my inner thigh. She licked and blew on it, sending another shiver down my back. I gave a strangled moan and made the mistake of looking at her. Her head in between my legs as her eyes pierced into mine. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. That image will probably get engraved on my mind forever.

       - You're so beautiful. - Her voice is so soft and sexy I almost lost it.

       My hand went to the back of her head and I entangled my fingers on her silky hair. This feels so good. She feels so good. She smiled before kissing my thigh again, going slightly up. Her hands caressing my legs and spreading them a bit. I'm so wet I just wish she would go a bit faster, she's teasing me too much and I'm so turned on I'm getting frustrated.

       - Tina…

       - What do you want, Heidi, tell me. - I could feel the vibrations on my thigh as she talked against it.

       - I want…

       - Tell me exactly what you want. - She looked at me in the eyes.

       - I want you to touch me.

       - I'm touching you. Where do you want me to touch you?

       - Fuck me, Tina. - I whimpered. I can't handle this anymore, she's driving me crazy.

       She sucked on an especially sensitive spot and I moaned louder than I ever did, throwing my head back. My hand pressing more against her, in an attempt to get her to go forward. I felt her head moving and I whimpered when she went up to kiss me. Why is she torturing me? I didn't have to wait much until I felt her hands pulling at my panties.

       - Can I? - I was too embarrassed to answer verbally, not even trusting my voice enough not to moan, so I just nodded my head.

       With one arm she carefully lifted me off the table, the other pulling my panties down. I was so eager that I quickly helped her get rid of it. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she pulled me more to the end of the table, I opened my legs more to give her the access she needed. I felt her cold finger on me and I felt the wetness coating it.

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