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P.o.v. Tina:

       - Don't tease me! - I splash P'Chompoo on her face.

       - It's not my fault you're head over heels!

       I splash her again. It's been a few days and we all decided to get together at the beach after my and Patrick's shift. They all know I want to teach Heidi how to swim, so they decided to come with us. At first I thought it would be as support, but I'm not so sure now. They are all just cracking jokes about her attempts at keeping herself over the water. Doesn't look like good support to me, but at least they are having fun.

       I was trying to get her to float, my arms extended as she layed there, trying to keep herself on the surface. You might not think that, but learning how to float and how to turn yourself in the water are two really important things. While turning in the water is usually easy for most adults, learning how to float can be a bit tricky. Heidi has some notions and can swim a bit, but I want her to learn how to survive on the water. The currents won't pull you under, if you float you might get pulled far from the shoreline and get some water in your face, but you won't drown and you won't spend all your energy as you wait for someone to save you.

       - No, relax your body a bit more. Tense muscles don't float. I'm here with you, I won't let you drown, you don't need to be scared. Stretch your arms a bit more, if you want you can breath in and hold your breath. It might help when you're still learning. - I take my arms slowly from under her, keeping my hand on hers, but she quickly starts going down again. - Your ass is bringing you don't, try to keep your posture. Your body is relaxed but not so wobbly. Don't look at me, your chin must be up. I'm gonna try again. Remember, you don't have to worry, try to relax, I'm here with you. You're safe.

       I try to let go of her again. Even though at first she started going down again, I didn't interfere. I'm close to her and my hand is on hers, she's safe and so I expect her to try and get her legs up alone. She started struggling a bit but ended up kicking her legs up, successfully getting herself back in a good floating position. I'm so proud.

       I was about to congratulate her when a bigger wave splashed her on the face which disoriented her completely. I quickly pull her and she immediately clings to me. I lift her a bit and pat her back as she coughs. When she's a bit better, she adjusts herself better on me as I kiss her face repeatedly telling her how good she was and how proud I am of her. The beach is not the best place to teach someone how to swim, but I don't have access to a pool right now.

       - You guys are so sweet I think I'm getting cavities. - Marima said.

       - I looked at them and got instant diabetes. - Nudee continued.

       - You're just annoyed because you have no one to be cute with you! - P'Chompoo teased her.

       - Be cute with me then! - P'Chomp pretended that she was gonna kiss her and they both gagged, effectively making us all laugh.

       - Babe, do you want me to teach you how to swim too? - Patrick asked and shot me a glance. I know he's teasing me, I just don't know how yet.

       - I know how to swim, idiot.

       - Oh I know, but Tina is using that as an excuse to carry Heidi around, I wanted to try too.

       - Why is everyone coming at us today!?

       - Because you're funny to tease.

       - They're jealous. - P'Fa is not good at swimming, she's on a shallower part with water barely up to her chest and Charlotte has been keeping an eye on her. I think she believes we can't see it, but I know she's scared of her drowning or something. I don't know why, she's on the water with two lifeguards, it would be hard to happen.

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