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*Kevin warning*
Trigger warning for strong language, homophobia and physical violence

P.o.v Heidi:

Three days prior

       After what happened yesterday's night between me and Tina I'm completely sure that I need to break up with Kevin. I just don't know how. But I need to do that quickly. Tina is too precious to be kept waiting.

       I have never felt the way I did last night, and not just because it was the first time I had someone touching my body. I was also the first time I wanted and felt comfortable enough to have someone touching and seeing me. I've never had the need for that type of physical contact even when I was dating my first boyfriend. Kevin keeps on trying but I never let him. I don't even feel completely safe with him how would I let myself be that vulnerable?

       Tina… she's different. From the first moment, apparently, because I don't remember much, her charm pulled me in. She's not just pretty, she has this thing that just makes me want to be around her, she's caring, she's sweet, intelligent, protective, interesting, deep, great at literally everything, soothing in a way no one was with me. I love when she smiles and shows all her pearly white teeth, so bright it can make the sun shy. I love her laugh, that's like the most beautiful sound I've ever heard, what an angel's choir can be. I love the way she moves that gets you so fixated on her even the greatest dancers could ask for advice. I love the way she thinks and expresses herself, Einstein wouldn't be able to keep up. I love her protective side, bodyguards would be jobless if people found out about her. I love the way she loves me. I don't know if in a romantic way or not, but she does, and I do too. Even after yesterday, it could all be a physical thing, I don't think so, but it could, I don't know. The only thing I know is that she cares about me and that I've never felt this happy and connected to anyone else. So I need to break up with Kevin in order to spend more unguilty time with her.

       I called him and we agreed to meet this evening. He was confused why I didn't want to just go see him at the beach, like I always do, but I would see Tina and I only want to see her when I can finally kiss her and tell her that I'm a single woman and that she can take me. It would also be a bit awful if I broke up with him in front of any of his colleagues.

       - Baby, why did you call?

       - I wanted to see you. - He tried to kiss me but I pulled away, so he forcefully grabbed my face kissing me harshly. I know Tina would have never done that.

       - You're acting weird babes, what do you want? - He seems annoyed.

       - I have something important to talk to you about.

       - Then say it!

       - I want to break up.

       - No you don't.

       - No, I do.

       - It's because of that muff diver, isn't it!? - He asked aggressively.

       - No. I just don't think we should continue this. - I ignore what he just called Tina, I don't even know what that means. I just know he's talking about her.

       - You're fucking disgusting! Are you a fucking carpet licker like her!? Are you a pussy sucker!?

       - This is not about her!

       - This is! You're disgusting. She's a disgusting homossexual and she's trying to foul you! She's turning you into her fuckable doll! - His eyes looked a bit more insane than usual.

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