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P.o.v. Tina:

       - I'm gonna see how she's doing. - Charlotte gets up and goes to the bathroom to check on Heidi.

       I tried to check on her, but she ran away. Our truth or dare game ended with the lap dance, nothing could top that, so now we're just sitting on the living room's floor, playing with baby Gyo. I wonder how Heidi's feeling. I'm super embarrassed, but I'm trying to hide it. They heard her moan, but it could have been worse. I was about to lose control after that. Thank gosh I did not drink a lot or our dance would have been cut short. She moaned three times. Three times. And her moan… I think I want to hear it again. I definitely want to hear it again. It was… sexy. So sexy.

       I admit it, I am horny. Dancing for her really did turn me on. All that movement at the end surely didn't help. It was part of my little choreography, or it started as, but I was scared that I would wet her leg. That would have been super embarrassing! Thank gosh that didn't happen. Will she hate me after tonight? I did go too far. She probably hates me.

       Charlotte came with her from the bathroom some long minutes after. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks red. Did she cry? I was about to apologize, thinking that she would hate me and not want to talk to me again, when she sits next to me and huggs my side, her head hiding in the crook of my neck. She seems a bit more drunk than she was a moment ago.

       - Hey, are you ok? - She doesn't answer just nodding her head, hiding it more in my neck. - Ok, good. Do you want to come into my arms? - She nods again and, without moving her head, she sits on my lap, hugging me like a koala. So cute. She's so clingy right now!

       We continue playing with Gyo while I hold her, sometimes swaying her side to side, until the puppy comes to play with Heidi. Does Gyo remember when they played that first day? Heidi finally unsnuggles and starts playing with the little dog. Charlotte comes and whispers something in her ear, making her laugh.

       - You seem a bit drunker than before. Stay here, I'll bring you a cup of water.

       - No…! - She whines. - Don't go!

       - I'll be gone for a second. - She koala hugs me again.

       - I'll go with you.

       - Ok.

       I don't think she expected me to pick her up. Putting my hands on her thighs I easily get up and bring us both to the kitchen. To be honest I don't even care about their whispers anymore. I seat her on the kitchen counter and pour some water on a cup for her.

       - I should not accept drinks from strangers. - She laughs.

       - You know… it was one of the first things you told me that night.

       - But at that time you really were a stranger.

       I approach her and to my surprise, she opens her legs. I go in between them and slowly bring the cup to her lips. She doesn't open them so with one hand behind her neck and my thumb on her chin, I tilt her head back, slowly pouring the water into her slightly open mouth. She drinks it and I see her throat moving with every gulp, droplets of water running down it. Fuck, why does it have to be so hot? I don't resist the urge and let my thumb rub against her trachea, caressing the throat and cleaning the loose drops. She chokes on the water.

       - Fuck Tina, you're such a tease!

       - What did I do?

       - I almost died!

       - I'm sorry?

       - You! What was that!?

       - What was what?

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