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P.o.v. Tina:

       Hand in hand we walk to the place where she broke my heart. I lay the blanket I always have in my car, the same blanket we used that day, on the same spot I laid it last time. I can see that she is confused, but this makes sense to me. Good or bad this place is important to us, a place in which she broke my heart, yes, but also a place that shows us that there's a lot more to the truth than what is actually said. We might have broken apart on that day but it ended up bringing us even closer.

       In all honesty, it's probably the most secluded area of the beach and I kinda like it here, but all that sentimental shit also makes sense. It's just a good spot.

       We eat in silence at first, just enjoying the food we bought, but I can see the gears turning in her mind, she's trying to understand what happened and what's happening right now. I don't blame her, I was acting weird, and all the crying yesterday is probably still bothering her. Seeing that she wouldn't start the conversation, I did it myself.

       - Ask me anything you want. - She seemed to think for a bit. Maybe not knowing where to start.

       - Why were you so anxious today?

       - Imma be completely honest with you. I don't think we're getting anywhere with the Kevin situation. They didn't even let us press charges against him because his family is wealthy and well known! So, as you know, that bastard is still free to roam around, even more now that I got him jobless because he has more time. He was there. I was anxious and always dragging you around because I didn't want you to see him. I kinda panicked. I thought that it would hurt you to see him, to know that even if he hurt you so badly, he's still free to do whatever he wants and… I didn't want him to see you either. I don't think he would talk to you and even if he tried I would have pushed him away, hit him until he was unconscious if needed, but I still didn't want him in the same space you were. Even breathing the same air you do. I'm sorry. You should be the one to make those decisions. I should have told you. - I look down. I know I shouldn't interfere so much in her life, she has the right to make her own decision.

       - Don't worry. - She gave me a little smile and guided my head to kiss her. It was tender but full of emotion, gave me butterflies as if it was the first time. After a bit she pulled away and touched her forehead on mine. - Thanks for keeping me safe. I hate that he ruined your day, but thank you for saving mine.

       - He didn't ruin my day. It's impossible to ruin a day I spend with you.

       - Corny.

       - You like it that way.

       - The problem is that I do, yes. - We stayed that way for a bit, just enjoying the proximity, but she seemed to have gotten another idea. - Can I ask another question?

       - As many as you want.

       - Why were you always texting P'Chompoo?

       - How do you know it was her?

       - I'm sorry, I saw it through the mirror… but I wasn't jealous or anything, I trust you, I was just curious. I wasn't trying to look, I just saw it through the mirror and I… I didn't read the message… just the name… I'm sorry.

       - I know, don't worry, I would be curious too. I texted her and asked her to go there with Nudee so that they could keep watch and keep me updated on where he was. She was the one texting me and telling me everytime he entered the same space we were.

       - She's really nice… wait! So they were all awake and ready to go? Did they just lie and ignore my calls so that I could be with you alone?

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