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*Kevin warning*

P.o.v. Tina:

       I don't think there's been a day that I haven't seen and talked to Heidi after our dinner. She seems to always be around, either with Kevin or with her friends, Charlotte and Marima. When she's with Marima we usually take a bit of time to talk among ourselves, as Ma comes to spend time with Patrick.

       When I got home that night, I got the full interrogation from P'Fa and Nudee. They were really curious about our dinner but especially about the time we spent in my room. I didn't tell them the whole truth, but I know that they suspect that there was more than just: "talking and watching something on the TV", especially since I couldn't even remember what that something was, I wasn't quick enough to think about some movie or series we could have been watching so they caught my white lie, not that it was really a lie, the TV was playing something we just weren't watching. They know I'm hiding something, but I feel that these past few months I've been hiding too many things. I love them, but there are things that I just can't bring myself to tell them. I've gotta be the strong one.

       P'Engfa and Charlotte have been going out together a lot too. They go out, do whatever it is that we don't know, because P'Fa won't tell us, and then she comes home all smiley. I don't think they're dating or anything of the sort, sometimes I even doubt that they're flirting, but there's certainly something there. Give them a bit of time and they'll be all around each other. Charlotte has been coming here just to "walk Gyo", walk the dog or the owner, I don't know. But she spends a lot of time here and out with P'Fa and the puppy.

       The thing about seeing Heidi is that I also see Marima and Charlotte. We're all becoming friends. But it's weird. I feel like Ma has been trying to interrogate me. Patrick usually sends me messages so it wasn't a shock when he started asking about Heidi, but now Ma is sending me messages too, and interrogating me about her. Why were you with her? What did you do when I went out? Did you know that she came to the beach just to see you? No. No I didn't, thanks for sharing!

       I don't know what she wants. It's honestly not angering me or anything, just making me confused. If it was only the messages asking about us and the occasional comment, but Heidi has been… a bit too much? We playfully flirt, but my heart wasn't supposed to learn somersaults. She has a boyfriend, some of the flirting isn't that… playful? I don't know. It's weird. I know she likes physical contact, and I've seen her act like that with Charlotte, but Marima told me that we're the only two people who she acts like that with. And yes she's touchy with Charlotte, but she gets completely into my personal space. Usually it's when no one's looking, but Marima has seen it, Marima sees everything. Heidi's always sniffing my neck, and my neck is a sensitive place, please stop touching it!

       Kevin… Kevin's a dumbass. A girl like Heidi waiting for him and he prefers to go out with his friends. The Goddess-like Heidi! Heidi Jensen! And he still prefers cheap beer with his stinky friends in one of the pubs around here. Such a waste. She really deserves someone better. She gets so sad when that happens, and it's almost everyday!

       Today me and Kevin are keeping an eye on the surf class. At least I am. So here's Heidi sitting on the sand and talking with me about any and every thing. Sometimes Kevin answers, sometimes I'm not even sure if his soul is here, or if he even has one.

       - What's the hardest part of being a lifeguard?

       - The sun. And it's honestly boring. All this water and you can only swim if someone is drowning. - That's obviously Kevin's answer.

       - Playing God.

       - What do you mean.

       - In some parts of the beach there is more than one lifeguard, like right now, but sometimes there isn't. If two people are drowning at the same time, what do you think we should do?

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