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Pre chapter note:

       You'll know when you get there, but the marking times are from the "Earned it" videoclip. If you put the wrong one they won't make any sense. It's the one where he sings without the beat at first. You can hear the song while reading that specific scene, it'll help you visualise it.

P.o.v. Heidi:

       - Tina, truth or dare? - Charlotte asked.

       - Truth.

       - Chicken!

       - Did you ever kiss a girl?

       - A lot of times. That's not even hard to answer to be honest.

       - Ok, ok. Spin it.

       - Marima, truth or dare?

       - Dare.

       - Send Patrick your last taken photo! - Tina won't let her get away with what she did.

       - Oh… ok… at least it's for Patrick.

       - What is it?

       - You didn't ask me to show you! - Marima says a bit too defensively.

       - But can you?

       - Not really.

       - Now we want to know!

       - Let's say… Patrick will like what I just sent. - She was joking around but she still seemed shy.

       - What is it?

       - Heidi has seen it already.

       - Was that those lingerie photos?

       - Yep. When I was trying them out. - She laughed and we did too.

       - Which one?

       - The black lacy one.

       - Oh gosh. He's dead now.

       - Ok… moving on…! - She spun the bottle again. - Heidi!

       - Oh no.

       - Truth or dare?

       - Truth.

       - Have you ever felt butterflies for a girl, and if so, for who?

       I drank a shot, I couldn't answer this one. I don't even know it myself. Ok, I'm not sure if I did, but if that's the case, the two girls that were able to make me feel something are sitting in this room. Wouldn't it be weird if I just said their names? Especially Tina's. I don't even know her that well.

       - Make it two. This was an important question and you chickened out! - I drank one more and spun the bottle again, landing it on P'Fa.

       - Truth or dare?

       - Dare.

       - I dare you to close your eyes and wherever the finger is pointing when you open them, you'll kiss Charlotte.

       - Oh… ok.

       She closed her eyes and did as told. We pointed at Charlotte's hair, shoulder, cheek, mouth, neck and when she opened her eyes we were pointing at her chin.

       - Can I be the one drinking?

       - No Charlotte, if someone had to drink it would be P'Fa!

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