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P.o.v. Tina:

       Some days have passed and it's now Friday. I'm sitting with Nudee and P'Fa as we wait for the other girls, and Patrick, to come. We'll just spend some time together tonight, maybe have some drinks, but nothing much. Tomorrow, and Heidi did end up inviting everyone, we'll go to the cinema.

       - So… anyone has anything to share?

       - You're the one who should be sharing things, what's going on between you and Heidi?

       - And you and Charlotte?

       - Okay, but nothing compared.

       - Yeah, don't think we haven't already understood that there's something between you two, P'Tina.

       - There is, I just don't know what.

       - What do you mean?

       - You two talk first. I want to hear about Charlotte and P'Chompoo first.

       - Easy. There's nothing between me and P'Chom.

       - Nothing?

       - What do you mean nothing?

       - Nothing. At least right now.

       - But you two have been glued these past few days!

       - We have but… she has a crush on someone else. I do enjoy spending time with her but… it's not like that.

       - Come here, baby. - P'Engfa opened her arms for Nudee to snuggle into her.

       - I'm not sad. Yeah she's great and we work pretty well together, but… I also don't think I'm mature enough for her.

       - She's not that mature either, why wouldn't you be enough?

       - She's childish and laid back, not immature, but she's also physically older. Sometimes I feel that she treats me like a baby and other times… - She sighs. - Maybe in some months.

       - Yeah no one has to rush anything.

       - Yeah we'll all keep in contact. You two just met.

       - Right, and I don't feel that way about her, not now at least.

       - Only time will tell. - P'Fa said.

       - Yeah time will tell for me, but please don't hurt her too much, she's a nice girl.

       - What do you mean, hurt her?

       - You're the one I think she has a crush on.

       - What!?

       - Yeah, she told me yesterday that she had a crush on a girl, but she didn't say who, so I think that's you.

       - But… how?

       - I don't know, everyone just falls instantly for your charms.

       - Yeah and Heidi told me Char has already picked up on that. She told Heidi she was jealous.

       - She did?

       - The plot thickens. So P'Char is jealous of P'Fa and she has been paying attention to everything that has to do with her. Good.

       - Nudee, please. It's not like that, I'm sure. She's just… we pay attention to each other, it's not like that.

       - P'Fa, do you hear yourself?

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