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P.o.v. Tina:

       Heidi has been… avoiding me. I mean, I catch her looking at me, but she doesn't come near me at all. Ok, she hasn't been here for that long, but she should have given me at least a kiss by now. It's certainly weird, but I haven't had the time to think about it until now, as we are running a bit late. P’Chompoo is almost here and I just finished her cake. I didn't think it would take that long, honestly. I came home as soon as I was done with work, but I wanted something special so I may have gone a bit overboard. I hope she likes it, though.

       I catch Heidi looking at me again and throw her an inquisitive look, but she looks away, apparently shy. It's really weird. What's with her tonight? Is she mad at me? I don't know what I did wrong, but I have to apologize. I don't want anything coming in between us. I approach her and seeing that she doesn't get away, I'm a bit more reassured. Maybe she's just tired.

       - Is everything okay, Heidi?

       - Yes, why?

       - You're weird tonight. You haven't even approached me yet…

       - I'm sorry I was just… nevermind. Everything's fine.

       - Can I kiss you?

       - After you change yes, you're full of flour! - She laughs.

       - Ah. - I act offended. - You won't kiss me just because I'm dirty?

       - Yep. Kiss me all you want, but just after you change, I don't want you to ruin my dress. I look too pretty for you to ruin it. - She played. I have already looked at her, of course, but I can't help but take another look. She looks fucking gorgeous tonight. Not that she usually doesn't, but there's something about her tonight, she's glowing. - What got you so hypnotised?

       - You. - I hear her take in a breath. - I'll change, will you come with me?

       - I don't think that's a good idea.

       - Why? You've seen almost everything already. - I laugh at her sudden shyness.

       - It's… yeah, but that's not… it's not that.

       - Why then? Why shouldn't you come with me?

       - I am… I don't think… It's embarrassing.

       - Are you sure everything's okay?

       - It is. - She looked everywhere except my face.

       - Come to my room, let's talk. There's something you're not telling me. I won't change in front of you if you don't want me to, but let's just talk for a bit before the party starts.

       - I… there is. Everything's fine, but… there is something. - I'm confused. - Let's go to your room.

       - Leaving already, girls? I thought you would wait at least until the end of the party, Heidi. - Charlotte laughed and Heidi threw her a look. - Don't look at me like that. You were the one telling me that you were…

       - Char! Just shut up, will you? We'll just talk, okay?

       - Yeah talk, have fun “talking” and don't scream too loud, P’Chomp will be here any minute and I'm sure she won't want to hear that, and neither do we.

       - Charlotte! - I just laughed.

       So… Heidi told her something. At least I'm not so scared anymore, it doesn't seem to be about anything I should worry about. Marima ended up pulling Char out of the room while telling her to stop messing with Heidi. I love their friendship, I'm happy Heidi has them by her side.

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