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Little announcement:

       I did fail my exam so I won't be posting for a week in order to study for the next fase. I promise I will start posting after the 24th, but I do have little time to learn what I didn't in 14 years so... Yeah I'm sorry but I need this week. Bear with me, please.

       Bye the way, you might think I'm dumb because I'm out here just failing my exams but I swear I'm not. I just suck at maths. I was actually pretty good in all other subjects tho (except physics, but that shit's math with materials and energy. And even that I wasn't bad just mediocre). I do have my dumb moments tho.

       Without further ado I present you "more reasons to hate Kevin!"

P.o.v. Tina:

       A week has passed. Few messages were exchanged in the group chat, none of them mine, and none of them Heidi's. Judging by Kevin's face, she's just not a fan of texting. I haven't been able to talk to him, but now that we're both on first aid and other beach problems duty, I'll definitely bring it up. I won't let it slide. Drugging a girl is not nice. Far from nice. It's a crime.

       - Kevin. I've been wanting to talk to you.

       - Why, did you finally fall for me? I'm not getting involved with a carpet licker.

       - I mean… that's a bigger insult for you.

       - What do you mean?

       - That you're probably not able to make a woman cum. That's more of a confirmation, to be honest, no one believed you could.

       - Want to try for yourself?

       - Not really. I'm kind of disgusted, actually. Especially, but not restricted to the fact that you have a girlfriend.

       - And why is she being brought into this conversation?

       - If you were a decent human being, she would be integrated but not mandatorily mentioned in every conversation. Don't worry, I did not expect you to know the meaning of those words.

       - I…- I didn't let him finish.

       - Enough of that. We have more serious things to talk about.

       - What is it that you want today? - He huffed, clearly irritated by the fact that his petty insults didn't bother me.

       - Last week you went partying with your girlfriend. She got drugged.

       - She did? I didn't know.

       - Don't act dumb.

       - I really don't. - I don't believe one word that comes out of his mouth.

       - You drugged her, I know you did.

       - Why would I need to do that? I already have her.

       - Oh, please!

       - No, really. I have her where I want her. I wouldn't need to do that, unless she wanted a bit of fun! - Disgusting bastard.

       - Kevin. Why was she drugged!? - The urge I have to punch his ugly nose is not even written.

       - I have her on her knees for me anytime I want her, she does everything I want her to, if she was drugged, that's her fault. She went there looking like an absolute slut, it was bound to happen. - It's getting harder to control, but I won't risk being fired. I open and close my fist. Trying to get rid of some of the anger that's boiling inside of me.

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