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Trigger warning for alcohol and drugs

       We went to the sea wall and Marima, Charlotte and Patrick were already there. Engfa's eyes went wide when she saw Charlotte. She is a gorgeous woman, and she is dressing rather sexily, but I mean... Engfa just stop eye fucking her, you're not even drunk yet! I fear for the moment, because I know it is gonna happen, that Engfa gets drunk.

       - Looking good, Tina! I see you're just showing that sexy tummy of yours. Gonna score some hot lady tonight.

       - Marina, control your boy.

       - No, really. You look fine,Tina. Casual but still gorgeous, if that's what you want, I bet every girl and/or boy is gonna look at you.

       - Hum... thanks P'Marima. - Shy shy shy.

       The party is going just fine and I am drunk. I have not been going easy on the alcohol. No one is, really. Except Marima and Patrick. They're taking care of us. It was going just fine, up until now. I see Kevin getting inside the bar with a fucking gorgeous woman. Like literally. I don't think I've ever seen someone like her. She seems mixed, brown hair and slightly tanned skin, plump lips, a body to die for, looking sexy in a simple black dress. And don't let me get started on the hips. She sways her hips as she walks and I feel mesmerized. Probably because I'm intoxicated. That woman cannot be that pretty, everything looks better when you're drunk.

       I down another shot. I need to get my thoughts off of her or things will get bad. Especially since she's Kevin's girl. I don't want him to get another reason to hate me. But just looking at her, I feel like I want to get into a fight. His filthy hands don't deserve to touch that heaven sent angel. Tina... you're going too far. She's just some gorgeous woman.

       I go to the dancefloor and start dancing with every girl that approaches me. Even making out with some of them. I miss carelessly parting. It seems like P'Fa missed too. She was just completely drunk kissing some girl in the bathroom, and that was not Charlotte. The girl I'm making out with hits the wall with a bit of force, letting out a sound. Who is she, really? I don't even know her name. I start kissing her jawline going down to her neck when her breathing gets uneven. It's like the fifth one tonight and I don't know what's gotten into me. Months of no physical contact with anyone and too much alcohol in my system doing its work. My hand is inside her shirt when a girl enters the bathroom. It's who I belive to be Heidi. She seems unwell. 

       I stop. Quickly telling the girl I'm making out with to get out, I get into one of the stalls and throw up all the alcohol and food consumed in the last twelve hours. Completely gross. At least I didn't muck myself. As I am washing my mouth trying to get rid of the foul taste, I hear crying. Curiosity killed the cat but it might just save someone tonight.

       I knock on the door of Heidi's stall. No answer but the crying seems to almost stop, I can almost only hear sniffles. I knock again.

       - Can I get in? Do you need help?

       No answer again. But the door gets unlocked. I open it and that girl, Heidi, is sitting on the ground, her eyes red and her cheeks stained from crying. She seems a bit out of it. After throwing up I feel a bit more sober and I can understand that something's really wrong with her. 

       - Hey. What happened?

       - I don't know... - Her voice breaks a bit. - I only drank a cocktail but I feel... drunk?

       - Exactly how do you feel? - I'm worried.

       - I don't know. I feel dizzy, my legs don't work like they should, I feel like I want to throw up but I can't... I almost can't walk, I feel like I lost all strength, I didn't drink too much, I swear!

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