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I'm sorry in advance, I promise it will get better, eventually.

P.o.v. Tina:

       - Are you working today?

       - Am I wearing red and yellow?

       - No…

       - Then I have all day for you. - She smiles.

       - I love when you do that.

       - What?

       - I don't know. That. What were you thinking of doing today, if I didn't come here to bother you?

       - You're not bothering. You're helping make my day enjoyable. I was about to go ride a jet ski.

       - Really?

       - Do you want to ride me? - She widens her eyes and gasps. - Ride with me?

       - Tina!

       - Sorry, I had to. - She gulps and her face gets redder than a tomato. Was she imagining it? Gosh, it was a joke! Now I'm imagining it too! Tina, keep your shit together!

       - I… hum… - She shakes her head as if to get rid of the thought. - ...have never done that. The... jet ski part...!

       - Really? You live here and you don't surf, you don't ride jet skis… do you even go to the water at all?

       - I… don't, usually.

       - Why?

       - I don't feel really comfortable about my body, I don't even own any bikinis, only swimsuits. Sometimes I want to go but… I just don't.

       - Bruh your body is amazing, perfect. Your hips? Bruh, have you seen them? Gosh how can you not be comfortable with your body, I would show it everywhere I went!

       - Stop it, Tina.

       - But am I lying?

       - I don't know?

       - Oh shut up, Heidi, you are perfect in every sense of the word. There's only one thing that makes me glad that you don't go to the beach much.

       - What?

       - Have you seen yourself? Your face, the way you move, your body… it makes me drool just seeing you, imagine if everyone at the beach felt the same way? How much of a competition would that be? I don't want that.

       - Oh. Tina!

       - No, really. I don't like it when people desire you. I know that I do.

       - Tina… - She looks down, probably blushing. - Kevin… Kevin said that I gained some weight…

       - I swear I don't want to hear that bastard's name today! You look amazing and you're going into the water with me today. I don't care what you say. If I have, I'll carry you.

       - I'm thinking of being a brat just so you do have to carry me.

       - I can carry you anytime you want. Are you wearing a swimsuit?

       - I am.

       - Then let's go! - I grabbed her hand and started running to where the jet skis were.

       - Do you prefer if I ride on your back?

       - I prefer on top.

       - Tina! - I just laugh.

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