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Warning: slightly mature content (remember none of this is real or is in reality related to the people mentioned and/or their lives)

P.o.v. Tina:

       After dinner Heidi pulls me to her room, her sisters coming right after us. After all the embarrassing comments about how Heidi is so eager to sleep with me, she almost didn't let me finish my dessert. After some more teasing, Chili pulls Pretty's ear and brings her out of the room, leaving us alone.

       - So... what are we gonna do now?

       - Sleep, I guess. - I answer a bit uncertainly. I'm still nervous about being here, especially now that I know that I'll sleep with her.

       - Well, yeah, but first we need to take a shower. Do you wanna go together?

       - Heidi!?

       - I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I'll get you a towel and some clothes and you can go first.

       She entered the bathroom and I heard things changing position. She wasn't expecting me to sleep here, she's probably putting things in order. Am I intruding? She comes out and I see her with a towel searching for something in her wardrobe.

       - Here. - She hands me the things.

       - Would you prefer it if I went home? I can still go...

       - Of course not Tina. Just take a bath ok? Don't worry.

       - Ok, thank you. I'll be out in a second.

       - Do you want help striping? - She widens her own eyes as if it got out of her mouth accidentally.

       - Heidi!?

       - I... I wasn't... - She blushes. - It was a joke!

       - Ok, ok, I won't comment on that. - I can't help but laugh, she's so silly sometimes.

       - Just go...! - She whines.

       - Cute.

       - Stop it! Go take a bath, Tina!

       Laughing I go. She's such a dork, a cute one. I get in the shower and change the water to a bit colder, letting it caress the aching muscles from running, swimming and staying in the sun all day. Being a lifeguard can be tiring. There are some calm days, but there are days that really show you why you wanted to be one. The tiring days are probably the most fulfilling ones, except when you're not able to save someone or something. Usually when you're tired, you know you did a great job.

       I get out and dry myself, putting on the clothes she lent me. Just some fitting shorts and a big white t-shirt. I look at myself in the mirror and I kinda look good in it. I get out of the bathroom and she's waiting for me on her bed. She looks me up and down.

       - You're... - Her eyes looking at everything that's not my face. - Great...! I'll go! - And just like that she was gone.

       I look around the room, but I don't want to be nosy so I just really look around, without touching anything. There are some photos and that's my favourite part of the room. I got to meet Nuky, young Nuky, and young Chili, baby and young Pretty but my favourite of them all, young Heidi. She looked like Dora the explorer in some of them, she was too cute!

       - What are you looking at? - I feel a presence behind me.

       - Fucking gosh, Heidi!

       - Why so scared?

       - You came out of nowhere!

       - Don't curse in my house by the way, my mother doesn't like it.

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