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P.o.v. Heidi:

       - So, tell me about that Tina girl. - Pretty said sitting next to me on the livingroom's couch.

       - Hum…?

       - Yes, you came back from her house all smiley and happy, what happened there? - She's so invested in my personal life. Why is that?

       - Nothing.

       - Nothing my ass. Come on…!

       - Nope, not telling you.

       - So there really was something! I knew it! I just knew it!

       - Shut up, Pretty! Someone's gonna hear you! - I tried to make the kid stop, but she's too invested in my life. What if one of my parents hears her?

       - What happened? Did you two kiss? - She wiggled her eyebrows.

       - Let's go to my room. - When we went there we both sat on my bed facing one another. - How do you even know where I was?

       - I may have heard a conversation.

       - Between who?

       - Mom and dad. He was talking about that nice girl that brought you home the other night and how you were probably getting drunk at her house. Were you?

       - Hum… no?

       - Liar.

       - Not really. I did drink but I wasn't drunk. Tipsy at best. Ok, at some point I might have been drunk, but nothing too much. I remember everything.

       - Is that a good thing?

       - To be honest? I have no idea. There are things I wish I didn't remember and there are things I wish to never forget.

       - Yep, you're already down deep. Tina girl is good!

       - What do you mean?

       - Father said you wouldn't let go of the girl's hand and that you were smiling, blushing and kicking your feet like a kid.

       - That didn't happen. - I wasn't like that, was I?

       - Ok, I might be exaggerating, but still, I'm not an idiot Heidi, I might be younger, but I understand things.

       - What is there to understand?

       - You bring a girl home while you're holding hands, you spend the night at her house and come back all smiles, hearts and unicorns, you've been talking about her at any given opportunity this past week, you literally forgot you had a boyfriend…

       - When did I forget that I had a boyfriend? - I remember I have Kevin, I just don't think I need to talk or be with him all the time.

       - You barely talk about him now! You used to tell me and Chili everything and now you don't. You go to the beach but it's not to see him!

       - I… no I go to see him. - She called me out.

       - What happened at her house? Are you two dating?

       - Ew no, I'm not into women! - I don't find it disgusting. If I try a bit hard, maybe I'm able to imagine it. I widened my eyes at the thought.

       - Oh please, now the truth. Everyone in this house knows you are.

       - I'm not! That's the truth! …I think…

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