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       The next day I woke up with a message on my phone.

Heidi: Do you want to come see the cats tonight?

       I can only think about what she insinuated the other time she asked me to go see her cat. In Thailand, asking someone to go see the cat in your room is basically asking for Netflix and chill. I got shy but I wouldn't leave her on read.

Tina: Of course, at what time?
           Wait, wasn't it just one?

Heidi: Yeah. I invited everyone to come meet Maldives!

       Oh, so it wasn't just me that she invited...! Yeah Tina, why did you think that you are oh so special you would get an invitation just for you and not a group one? Don't be too delusional.

Tina: You got another one?

Heidi: I did, she's really cute!
             Tonight it'll be the first time you meet both.
             You're gonna love them!

Tina: I bet they're cute
            Not cuter than the owner tho

Heidi: Tina!

       We agreed times and everything and I went on with my day. Of course I sent Marima a message, a lot of messages, actually, but she acted as if it was nothing. I have already met her father, but the rest of the family? Well… it's not weird to meet your friends' family, I guess. Yeah, why am I even worrying? It's not that big of a deal! We are going as a group, it's not just me! It's not that big of a deal, is it?

       At six o'clock I was at her door. Nudee and P'Fa behind me because for some reason I should be the one to knock. The same man from the other day opened the door. A smile immediately forming on his lips.

       - My dear! Are you here to see Heidi?

       - We are, sir. She invited us to meet the new cat. Well, the cats, we haven't met any of them.

       - They are already waiting in the living room, I'll take you there. - He looked behind me as if he hadn't seen the other girls before. - Oh! You must be the other girls she told me were coming!

       - Mister Jensen, this is Nudee and Engfa.

       - Nudee and P'Fa, I've heard Heidi say those names. Welcome girls, please be comfortable at our house. Tina, can we have a word? - He looked behind me, his warm smile never leaving his face. - Alone?

       - Oh course, mister Jensen, did something happen?

       - Come with me, kid.

       We went to his office. It seemed really well decorated, but minimalistic at the same time. I liked it, but I didn't have the time to really think about it as I was too busy feeling anxious.

       - My wife heard something and it wasn't our place to know that, Heidi didn't tell us, but she was passing her room when it was said. - Of course I thought about all the things he could have heard, and most of them would not be well accepted. I'm panicking.

       - What was it, sir? - I can hear my voice trembling, so pathetic.

       - Please forgive us for talking about this without Heidi's consent, but we had to thank you. - That's something I wasn't expecting.

       - For what, Mister Jensen?

       - For saving my beautiful girl. She heard that Heidi's drink got spiked, she was feeling awful and you took care of her, we have to thank you for that.

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