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P.o.v. Heidi:

       What if I am to dance to her like that one day? Will she like it? Will she feel the way I did? I imagine us in the same situation but with her sitting down. She would probably be sitting more comfortably than I was, because she's just like that. I would come in between her legs and touch her body like she did to mine. I would touch her slowly so she would want more, when I got to the neck I would squeeze it and she would let out a moan. Her moan is probably so sexy… I think I want to hear it, just… in a friendly way. I would put her hands inside my shirt and move them up. Would she get shy? I would whisper in her ear and bite her earlobe like she did to mine. She would get wet by my touches like I got by hers. I would kiss her neck and lick it… I would dance on her lap so she could feel me like I felt her and grind on her, but not too much or I wouldn't be able to handle it. I would tell her how pretty she is and how I like feeling her smooth skin on my hands. The image is so vivid I can almost feel her against me. I would touch those defined abs of hers… maybe lick them. Heidi! That's too much! You cannot just lick someone's abs! What are you thinking!? But what if I do? She would probably like it. I could bite them too. I could touch her chest and maybe squeeze it because it looks so good. And then I would lay her down and get on top. I imagine her just waiting for what I'm about to do. I would tease her and touch her just lightly, and she would want more. I imagine the way she would look at me as I roll my pelvis against hers. Then I would put her hand on my…

       My sister Chili enters my room. Oh fuck, Heidi, think about something else! Think about something else! Go away thoughts! Go away, Chili! Why is she even in my room? She sits in my bed just looking at me with a weird face. I feel so observed that I cover my face with my hands. Way to go Heidi, that's clearly not suspicious.

       - Why are you blushing so hard, Heidi?

       - I'm not. - She laughed.

       - Your voice is literally an octave higher! What were you thinking about little sis?

       - Nothing! - I say maybe too quickly.

       - Tell me lies. Was Tina good at least?

       - What? - In what I was thinking? Very.

       - Well, Pretty said something happened at the kitchen, I come here and you're tomato red, something had to happen! 

       - Not that!

       - So there really was something! Pretty is already shipping you both a lot, I swear if she does something I would not agree on I'll punch that Tina girl really hard!

       - She did not! She's really… respectful…

       - That's good. So what happened last night that got you smiling like a schoolgirl? - She's making fun of me!

       - It was… nothing. - It was nothing and everything at the same time.

       - You can trust me. I've already had your age, you know? And just to say that you're really pure, I wasn't like that when I was 24. What did she do, did she kiss you? Is that why you're blushing and smiling like crazy?

       - No.

       - Did she hug you? Kiss your cheek? Because I know for a fact that you both didn't fuck.

       - Chili! - Too straightforward! - We wouldn't, I don't like girls!

       - Hum… we might have to disagree on that, but everything at its time, I guess. Then what happened? - I thought for a bit if I should tell her the truth.

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