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Trigger warning for attempted sexual assault, the beginning and end is marked with ***

P.o.v. Heidi:

       I haven't told anyone what would happen today, and I know that's probably stupid, but it's too late to do that now. Marima left me at my own house this morning, I asked her to, it is still one of the only places I feel safe in and even though I love being with my friends, I don't want Marima and Patrick to be bothered by my presence. Not that I think they would but... Kevin also knew that I was there, he kept asking Patrick for me and telling him that he knew they were trying to hide me, so it seemed safer to be at my own house.

       I try to keep myself inside as much as I can today so that he can not find me. He sent me a bunch of messages and a couple of threats, but I just didn't answer them. Is it gonna work? Probably not. Am I still trying to run away from him? Of course I am. Maybe I can buy some time to prepare myself. I'm not prepared at all. How could I ever? How could anyone ever? I just want to protect Tina and maybe after it's done I'll lose my value for him and he will dump me. Maybe if I'm completely horrible at it… But I don't want to do it. I don't want him even near me. He disgusts me more and more everyday. I hate him.


       I'm minding my own business in my house when someone knocks on the door. At first I don't mind it but then they ring. I don't think it's him, he wouldn't be dumb enough to come here. Especially when he knows my whole family hates him and my brother... he might get physical about it. But I'm alone right now and that could be important so I get to the door. To my own fright, it was Kevin. I never thought he would come to my house like this, did he know that I was alone? How did he even know that I was here? I try to close the door but I'm not quick enough. He puts something on my nose and I feel myself losing consciousness. Fuck.

       When I wake up I'm in something like an abandoned house. My body hurts. Did he…? At least I was asleep. I see his silhouette in a corner of the dirty room.

       - Finally awake.

       - Did you… have you… is it already done?

       - Of course not! What fun would I have?

       - So I still… I don't want to do this.

       - I gave you one week, no, I gave you many weeks before that. Too many.

       - I just want to go home, Kevin.

       - You'll go. After I'm done with you.

       - Do… do it quickly.

       - I'll go until you cum, and then you'll tell your little friend that I know how to make a girl cum.

       - Just… go until you do. I'll tell her that you're able! - I'm scared. Could I fake it? I know that girls sometimes do.

       - Heidi! This is not about you! - His smile was almost insane, as if some kind of monster or beast had taken over his body. - You'll cum and I'll turn you into a woman today! Maybe I'm even able to cure your deranged mind!

       - Don't hurt me…

       - Oh it's gonna hurt, but you'll love it!

       I could only cry. I feel so impotent. He has full control over me right now. I'm not even binded to anything but I can't get away from here, I don't even know where I am. I'm disoriented and my head feels heavy. I can only cry harder when he rips my shirt apart.

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