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P.o.v. Tina:

       I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Quickly and unconsciously I pull the covers on top of us. I do not untangle our bodies that seem to have gotten really into each other's space during the night, but that is hidden.

       - Good morning, Tina. Heidi is not really a morning person, but do you want to have breakfast? - Chilli says as soon as she enters the room. I look at the sleeping beauty next to me, if she's not getting up I won't either. I still have some time before my shift, I can just spend it cuddling her.

       - I'll just stay here a bit longer.

       - Is my sister that comfy that you don't want to get off of bed even to eat?

       - No, it's just that…

       - Don't worry. Stay there, I'll bring you something. - She turned around but as she did she seemed to have thought or seen something she wasn't expecting. - Tina… did something happen?

       - No, why?

       - Between you and my sister?

       - No. - Lying with all the teeth I have in my mouth. - Why?

       - I just… thought. - She eyed me suspiciously but turned around nevertheless.

       - Thank you, Chili!

       - Don't worry, I'm not a snitch. - She winked at me.

       Why? Did she hear something? If so, that's super embarrassing! Ok, Heidi was the one moaning but still… we should have stopped sooner, none of it should have happened at her house. I'm left overthinking. After some minutes she brought me pancakes and a cup of chocolate milk. I made sure to push the covers a bit back, just so she could see that we were both dressed. Should have done that sooner, maybe that way she knows, she thinks, that we didn't do anything. She only smiles at me and leaves the room. She's really nice. I feel Heidi moving and she slowly wakes up.

       - Good morning, beautiful.

       - Good morning, gorgeous. You don't know how happy I feel to wake up next to you. You make my morning more bearable, and I don't really like mornings. - Such a sexy groggy voice.

       - You're so cute! - I pinch her cheek and kiss her forehead. - I also loved waking up to this beautiful goddess.

       - Stop it!

       - Do you... remember last night? - I say a bit shyly.

       - I do. I'm sorry.

       - Why?

       - I went too far.

       - No, I did. It shouldn't have happened at your house… I guess we were just so desperate our logic got a bit blurred.

       - I… I have been wanting to kiss you, but I couldn't, so last night…

       - Yeah… but we still have things to sort out before it happens again.

       - Will it happen again?

       - I hope so. Don't you? - Maybe she doesn't... She has a boyfriend after all.

       - I'm already craving you.

       - Heidi!

       - That's true! I crave your lips, I crave your touch, I crave the way you look at me and make me feel ways I've never felt before, so cared for, so appreciated… so beautiful…

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