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P.o.v. Tina:

       Already dressed in casual but stylish clothes, I apply my makeup, making sure to hide the bruise, I can just lie about the lip. Heidi was suspiciously looking at me through the mirror as I did. I know she wants to ask me about it, but I know it will hurt her, and I don't want to ruin our dinner. I accepted it because I knew she needed someone to cheer her up. I won't be the one to put her even more down. When I was done I left my room finding Nudee and P'Fa on the couch.

       - Looking gorgeous! Where are you going?

       - Me and Heidi are going out, can you cook, P'Fa? - They looked suspiciously at us both.

       - Ah that's why she's all titivated!
Right…? Tell us everything when you get home. Everything. - Almost threatening. They're suspicious of us.

       When we left the house we laughed about it on our way to my car. I open the door for her. Maybe she's just not used to it, but I think it shocked her. Her eyes widened and I can almost say that I saw a little blush. It's hard to say because of the lights. Why would she blush? It's just normal to open someone's door.

       - Where do you want to go?

       - I don't know. What do you want to eat?

       - I don't know… - Awkward silence.

       - Do you know any good place around here?

       - I'm not even from here. I don't know anything around.

       - Oh, right.

       - It's so funny. We had all evening to think about this, but we still don't know where we'll eat. At this rate we'll end up eating pizza or something.

       - Do you like it?

       - I mean… yeah? I like pizza.

       - I know a good pizza place by the beach. Do you want to go there?

       - Just tell me the directions.

       We chitchated for a bit while we waited for our food. I was throwing some jokes here and there to see if I could cheer her up, but something seemed to be on her mind.

       - Heidi, something's bothering you. Do you want to talk?

       - It's just that… it's just about Kevin. I didn't like the way he treated you. Is he always like that?

       - Pretty much.

       - Oh… ok. Was it true, what he said?
That I am a lesbian? - She shyly nodded. - Partially, but not entirely. I'm not a lesbian, I'm bi.

       - So… you like boys and girls?

       - Yes. I have a tendency for girls but I'm not opposed to dating men, it's just harder for me to get interested.

       - Do you see yourself marrying a girl?
More easily than a man. Usually it's just like… physical interest, not emotional, it can get emotional, but it's harder. I've dated a few men, but nothing too serious, and right now, I feel like I'm really more inclined to dating girls. It really just depends on the feeling, I'll marry someone who I love and who loves me. You?

       - I've… I've only dated two people in my life. My first relationship was with a boy I met in school. It lasted for eight years, we started dating when we were twelve, but it was puppy love. I thought it would last forever but…

       - It didn't work out in the end.

       - Right. Thinking about it now, it's just normal, we were too young.

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