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       - Long time no see, sister! How was the honeymoon?

       - Shut up, Pretty. Will you let us in?

       - To wet the floor? You know mother won't be happy with that. She just cleaned the living room. Why are you even wet?

       - Tina has that effect on her. - We heard from inside.

       - Chilli! - Heidi shouted as I saw her cheeks getting red. I just laughed.

       - What...? - Pretty took a moment to understand. - Eww! No! Ew! Their clothes are wet! The clothes! Ew!

       - I think you traumatized her, Chilli. - I shouted to the inside of the room.

       - Will you let us in?

       - Let them in, Pretty, they're probably freezing.

       We went directly to Heidi's room, Pretty tried to follow us, but Chilli made her trip. I couldn't help but laugh. They're both menaces in their own way. I already love them.

       Of course today there wasn't even the slightest teasing about showering together. We are at her house, and to be honest, we have already done too much here. Just thinking about it gives me butterflies, but I won't risk being caught by any of her family members. I won't risk it again.

       I shower in her room and she goes to shower somewhere else. When I get out she's still not there, so I try to find her. Or I would have tried if I wasn't pulled by Chilli to her room. What's with this girl tonight?

       - Tina. - Why say my name like that? I'm scared.

       - Yes?

       - Did your relationship status with my sister change already?

       - No...?

       - And why is that?

       - Should it?

       - You even ask? Of course it should! You love her and that's easy to guess and that girl... she loves you more than I've ever seen her love someone. No, she loves you more than she can even understand.

       - What do you mean?

       - Do you know how many walls she had to break down in order to let you in? Before you came Heidi was nothing more than just a scared little kid, she was so scared of her own feelings that she pretended they didn't exist. She used to tell mom she wanted to marry the girls on the TV when she was younger, we all knew she liked girls since she was almost a toddler, but you were the only one able to make her accept that. You quickly made your way into her heart but also into her brain. You changed the way she sees herself. She can't stop thinking and talking about you! You broke down her walls and even with all that situation that made her feel sad for days, I can see that she's the happiest when she's with you. You also look like you are, and if you want my opinion, I think you look really cute together.

       - Do you really think that?

       - Yep. We all do. Heidi hasn't told our parents or Nuky about her feelings for you, but even Nuky, who hasn't even met you yet, understood that she was in love. He came to talk to me and asked what changed, I didn't go into much detail but he already likes you. Our father is your biggest supporter and our mother told me she already considers you a daughter. What are you waiting for to ask her to be your girlfriend? You want to ask for her hand? That's a bit antiquated, but you have my blessings and you can ask for everyone else's tonight! What are you waiting for?

       - It'll hurt us more. I'm going away in a few weeks...

       - I'm sick of that! You're such a scaredy cat! Do you know the internet? Do you know planes and phones? There's even a thing called video calling where you can see each other's faces!

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