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P.o.v. Tina:

       I left Heidi being guarded by Marima, Charlotte and, I may not forget, the two little guardians, Fondue and Maldives. She's at home and she probably missed those two after staying at Marima's house and then at mine, but I had to ask someone to stay with her. Last time she went home it was just for a day and he did what he did so we all agreed that until I'm done with him and she's safe, she'll have someone to keep her company at all times.

       I asked to have the day off yesterday, because I knew something would happen to her and so I had to be ready whenever she needed me, but today I had work. She wasn't happy that I was leaving but she understood and I promised to be back before it was dark. It hurt me to leave her knowing that she feels safe around me and that this is a really bad moment in her life, but I know the girls will take good care of her. They are her best friends for a reason. Before I met her, she only had them.

       I wouldn't even be able to look at Kevin after what I know he has done, but thankfully, I didn't have to see his ugly face today. It's probably his day off, which left me even more worried all day, wouldn't he decide to bother her, but Marima and Charlotte kept me updated. It's also good that he's not here because now I can talk to Malee without worrying about him knowing. I don't want him to find out about what we're planning to do before it's time. He may be able to ruin everything.

       Malee was completely understanding, she's really sweet, she wasn't expecting him to do such a thing, but she already knew he was not a good person. She can be clueless, but she's far from dumb. He has tried it with her a few times and she has been pushing him away, but he still tries, and everytime it's a bit worse. She wasn't expecting him to do such a thing to his own girlfriend but at least faithful she knew he wasn't. It was easy for her to get the camera footage, she had the key.

       Alone in the room we watched the events of the day forwarding it until we got to the part where they were left alone. I could only feel my blood boiling. I'm fucking mad. I'm disgusted and I am furious. I want to kill that motherfucker! I think Malee can sense my fury because she puts her hand in mine. Girl… nothing can calm me right now, but thanks for the effort. Just seeing Heidi's scared, panicked face makes me want to end his useless life. Malee looks guilty, that day she knew something was wrong but if only she had come a little sooner... It's not her fault. It's anyone's fault. Except Kevin's.

       We quickly put the clip in a pendrive and I storm out of the room, writing a message to Patrick to meet me on the seawall in five minutes. The fucking bastard is gonna suffer.

       Patrick knows most of the story by now, but when he heard of what was on the video he was livid with rage. He's the sweetest guy. He does everything in his power to respect a woman, especially Marima, she's lucky to have him, so when he heard of what happened to Heidi… he was mad.

       You could think that he is not even that close to Heidi, definitely not as close as he is to me and even to Charlotte, but Heidi is part of his pack. If it's Marima's friend, he's gonna protect her with his life. To be honest, I believe that he's gonna protect anyone with his life, he doesn't need to know the person that well, if something's not fair or just morally not correct, he's gonna protect the one suffering from it. I've known him for not that long, but that's just how he is. I've seen this side of him multiple times, especially while working, but never like this. He is furious.

       I won't tell you the details or you might snitch on me, but yeah, we beat the shit out of him. I wanted him to know that it was me, but Patrick didn't let me. Gloves, tied hair, hat, mask and all black clothes. We also didn't talk, we just started beating him or he would recognise the voices. Not that it would be really hard to know that it was us, but it was dark and we have no proof against us so… Well, I have a dark eye and a broken lip and Patrick is walking a bit funny but we're good compared to him, and our wounds and bruises are not enough against us.

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